Spring Summer 2022

WE ARE ALL IN Digital Trend Space SS2022

Trend Forecast Spring.Summer22

Discover our Spring.Summer 2022 Digital Trend Space BY MUNICH FABRIC START & BLUEZONE

18. February 2021
WE ARE ALL IN Digital Trend Space Spring Summer 2022

Since FABRIC DAYS from 2 – 4 March 2021 is unfortunately no longer possible due to the ongoing situation in Germany and Europe, our team is focused on sharing the latest material developments and designs via our online channels in the coming weeks. We are excited to present our newly developed DIGITAL TREND SPACE, which we hope will become a useful and inspiring tool for the Spring.Summer 22 season.

The Spring.Summer 22 season will be emotionally influenced due to the extraordinary situation this year. Our guiding theme WE ARE ALL IN stands for cohesion, the longing for personal exchange and the return to what we are used to doing – the “new normal”.

Discover the material, mood and colour worlds for the coming season in a free and highly interactive resource for our all our guests, as a new and inspiring digital exhibition – featuring a selection of the latest material developments, accessories and prints from international suppliers:

Our Digital Trend Space consists of 6 rooms in which you can move around freely.


    • Open the presentation on your computer or laptop. Your smartphone is less suitable.
    • Use CHROME or FIREFOX browser, Safari does not fully the support this presentation format.
    • Play the videos in the Trend Space one at a time. Only click on the next video once the first video has finished to avoid double audio.

To get you started, we recommend our guided video + audio tour of the DIGITAL TREND SPACE as an initial inspiration tour. Afterwards or at any time you can start your individual tour through the DIGITAL TREND SPACE. You will find the latest fabric, material and accessory highlights for each trend theme there.


Trend forecast booklet for spring summer 22

Get inspired for Spring.Summer 22

Discover 4 Munich Fabric Start trend themes and 5 Bluezone trend themes in an easy and professional booklet. Use these inspirations for your collection design and your order planning.

Our TREND FORECAST is a combination of fashion trends, sustainability and innovation, as well as impressions from art, culture, architecture and design. The booklet is rounded off by expressive colour compositions featuring this season’s key colours and corresponding accent colours.

Upcoming FABRIC DAYS is No Longer Possible

Upcoming FABRIC DAYS is no longer possible

Spring.Summer 22 edition planned for beginning of March cancelled

14. January 2021

With the goal to realise a physical event for the fashion industry also in the Spring.Summer 22 season, our team has worked continuously to organise the second edition of FABRIC DAYS. We wanted to repeat what was proven in September 2020 with the sales focused, condensed business format: that efficient work is possible under the changed conditions thanks to strict hygiene and safety measures.

However, FABRIC DAYS planned for the beginning of March, does not follow after the summer months with lower infection numbers as the September edition had, but instead follows the winter months with persistently high infection numbers. Within the last weeks, the infection numbers in Germany and in Europe have unfortunately not definitively changed, which is why the German Government has prolonged and even intensified the current lockdown until at least January 31st 2021.

There are only 7 weeks until the beginning of March – unfortunately there is still no sign that the necessary decrease in infection rates will occur during this short period of time. Therefore, we currently have to assume that there will be no political basis on which trade fairs will be approved in Germany by then. In addition, travel restrictions are still in effect and the health and security of all visitors, exhibitors and service providers is as always of the highest priority.

With the current level of knowledge as well as the experiences from the past months, which serve as the basis for a realistic assessment of further developments in the coming weeks, FABRIC DAYS at the beginning of March is unfortunately no longer justifiable. We feel therefore compelled to cancel FABRIC DAYS from 2 – 4 March 2021.

Sebastian Klinder

“This decision is one of our hardest since the beginning of the pandemic, if not since we started organising trade shows for the fashion and textile industry. To this day we believed that by joining forces we would be able to repeat our success from September. Especially thanks to the numerous exhibitor registrations and the great trust and support from the industry. Unfortunately, the situation is different in the current winter months and has made planning an event impossible.”

Sebastian Klinder, Managing Director Munich Fabric Start

In the coming weeks, we will, true to the motto of the Spring.Summer 22 season “WE ARE ALL IN”, concentrate on providing our long-term exhibitors and visitors with a new basis of information and inspiration and examine the options for the next trade fair.