
Growing Fair Fashion in Munich with GREENSTYLE

Due to the current Covid-19 situation and the accompanying event guidelines, this event has been cancelled or will be postponed to a later date. For more information, please visit the Greenstyle Hompeage.


Sustainability is in. But sustainability is more than a trend. Sustainability is THE defining topic of the fashion industry – now and in the future. With 50 brands and exciting approaches from recycling to upcycling to zero waste, circular fashion and innovative consumer models, the consumer format GREENSTYLE Munich brings various facets of sustainable fashion to the Isarforum in the Deutsches Museum in Munich from March 13th to 15th. The format creates lasting impact with exciting speakers from science, industry, trade and NGOs during the two day conference program.

We spoke with Mirjam Smend, greenfluencer, journalist, Fashion Revolution ambassador and the founder of GREENSTYLE, Mirjam Smend.

Founder Mirjam Smend ©Son de Flor

What can you tell us about the growing interest in sustainable fashion?
Interest has grown significantly over the past year. We can see that in the number of visitors and by the growing inquiries from exhibitors and the press.

Do you have any top tips for visitors who may be attending for the first time?
Be sure to bring time, because there are 50 great brands with exciting stories in stock. Also, our two day conference program with inspiring topics. There is (free!) fairtrade coffee, delicious vegan catering and of course the iconic GREENSTYLE vibes.

In what way is GREENSTYLE helping to spread sustainable fashion, especially among those who are unaware of the harmful effects of conventional fashion consumption?
With our brands, we are targeting people with an interest in fashion to show them sustainable alternatives. Contemporary fashion that was made with as little impact as possible for people, animals and nature. We have representatives on site who are showcasing alternative consumption models, for example, borrowing clothes reduces the ecological footprint by 70 percent and also allows for greater variety in the wardrobe. With the conference we want to enlighten, but also inspire. There are topics from the status quo of sustainable fashion to finding one’s own style, capsule wardrobes, and innovative shopping models as well we are especially excited to host a discussion on the impact of fashion on the climate with one of the world’s most renowned climate researchers.

GREENSTYLE makes Munich a sustainable hotspot again – this time as a partner of Munich Creative Business Week (MCBW), taking place March 7th – 15th in Munich.


Bomber jackets made from post-consumer waste, product codes on textiles, alternative consumption models and rediscovered natural (hemp) and maximum innovative materials such as apple skin – with 50 brands , GREENSTYLE Munich shows different facets of sustainable fashion and at the same time remains the largest event of its kind since its foundation in October 2018. The successful “Meet the Maker” concept will also be continued at the 4th edition, because the direct contact between the brand and the consumer ensures the necessary transparency, which is one of the most important elements of sustainable fashion.

“Consumption is no longer a self-expression. Consumption is a responsibility. ”- Claudia Hofmann, Fashion Council Germany


The conference program for the 4th edition has once again been expanded. With over 30 speakers, solutions for a more sustainable fashion industry are discussed from different perspectives. Panel guests include Folkdays founder Lisa Jaspers, who calls for a supply chain law with #fairbylaw. Climate researcher Prof. Dr. Georg Kaser discusses the effects of fashion on the climate. Using apple skin, Hannes Parth has developed a material that offers a sustainable vegan alternative to petroleum based plastics. Thimo Schwenzfeier, Show Director NEONYT, gives after their most successful B2B event in January 2020 insights into the sustainable development of the fashion industry.

Georg Dieners, Secretary General of OEKO-TEX, Wonder Wardrobe founder Daria Andronescu, brand expert Holger Petermann, SOFFA founder and Fashion Revolution Greece manager Fiori Zafeiropoulou also sit on the podium.

@ Micheal Weniger for PHYNE2


Where: Isarforum in the Deutches Museum, Ludwigsbrücke 1, Munich
What: Trade fair & conference with approx. 50 brands, 30 speakers
Why: … because sustainability is more than just a trend
When: March 13th -15th, 2020
Working hours (for public): Fri 5pm – 10pm, Sat 10am – 7pm, Sun 10am – 5pm
Admission (3 Day Ticket for Conference Fair): 10 euros (children up to 16 years free)
All information:

CirculART – A Holistic Approach to Sustainability

The project CirculART is the result of 10 months of cooperative work by a group of companies that can be defined as representatives of the sustainable textile production chain, from yarns to the final product and accessories.

Those organizations have chosen to embrace the idea of sustainability and decided to evolve their businesses in an innovative and far-sighted way. Four invited artists have metaphorically inserted themselves between the warp and weft of the life cycle of clothing and turned themselves into an intersection point through which the public can observe the textile production processes, creating different attitudes towards the products we buy.

The aim of the project is to bring artistic research to question the different processes constituting the textile production chain.

We believe that the artworks which emerged from this project could have an interesting different point of view on sustainability in the textile industry: the artworks should be seen as a way to start a conversation about the relation between production and its various impacts – on the landscape and “local” communities, natural resources, production and labour in the global and local market, the usage of raw materials and the item of clothing in its symbolic value.

In the development of the artistic project, the four artists have investigated in depth the textile production processes, not focusing on a single phase but considering the meaning of sustainability in the whole textile supply chain: Starting from the use or reuse of raw materials like wool, wood, cotton, used garments and production leftovers to garment finishing and the production of accessories like labels and zips. They have engaged with people who – for each company involved – explained in detail the production operations, the use of natural resources like water, woods and pastures as well as the relationship between production and globalisation. The project is inspired by the idea of circularity, being a basis for discussion about the textile and fashion production. With the intention of making the importance of the supply chain visible – through the artistic thought – but also to question the role of the consumer.

Companies: Brugnoli Giovanni S.p.A., Filatura Astro S.r.l., Lampo – Giovanni Lanfranchi S.p.A., Lanificio F.lli Cerruti, Lenzing Group, Officina +39, Ribbontex S.r.l., RGT Ready Garment Technology Italia, Tessuti di Sondrio.

Artists: Laura Harrington (UK), Silvia Giovanardi (IT), Juan Manuel Gomez (COL), Emanuele Marullo (IT)

Curated and produced by Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto (Biella – IT)

Further information about the upcoming shows for 2020 can be found here.

VIEW PREMIUM SELECTION: 14. – 15. July 2020

MUNICH FABRIC START: 1. – 3. September 2020

BLUEZONE: 1. – 2. September 2020

Interview with Simon Angel, Curator of SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS

Simon Angel has been the curator of the Sustainable Innovations Area in the KEYHOUSE since 2018. For the Munich Fabric Start fair, he is looking for exciting young designers, extraordinary innovations and new perspectives from the textile world. Register now to attend Sustainable Innovations at KEYHOUSE.

Simon, what Sustainable Innovations can we look forward to this season?

Each season, we try to present textile tendencies and new materials to inspire and broaden the context, techniques, meaning and value of textile related topics. Our goal is to show a glimpse of a possible future, so the industry and its professionals can use it to get to the next level. It is a constant dialogue. We are a community, growing and connecting together, sharing visions and ideas – it’s an inspiring atmosphere.

This edition of Munich Fabric Start’s Sustainable Innovations is a prime example to this approach – not only in respect to the responsibility held as a textile fair but also from the attitude and perspectives of the designer’s present. You see their visions in sound-created and laser print work. You feel their ideas in the provocative perspective that plastic is part of our natural landscape. And in the concept that ditching seams can lead to new manufacturing techniques and design approaches. But also, in revaluing materials like sisal and paper and the use of core natural elements like milk, starch and salt-crystals. I am positive that these projects will start a dialogue we can all learn from.


Again and again, the fear of the future, the consequences of environmental pollution and climate change emerge in the curated works. Challenge or opportunity, what do you think?

Your question shows that we are all still at very different stages in the process. Some people are aware and concerned about the transformations our environment is facing. Some are becoming aware of the changes and starting to value what still is. Others are reacting with action, ready to change the game. Specifically that we all have different point of views – with even more concerns to consider. So, there is not one dialogue, there are hundreds. There is not one solution, there is – as I refer to it – a chain of change happening on all levels. Therefore, I there is no “or” in between, instead it is an “and”: We have challenges AND opportunities. All of the designers offer opportunities through different approaches and create change, as challenging as it is.

CT DAIRY | Keyhouse, #4
SEAMLINE | Keyhouse, #10
RINSE OFF | Keyhouse, #5

The use of potato starch, old printing methods and traditional Korean craftsmanship – one could almost say that “back to the roots” is the motto of the upcoming season. Posing the question, where does this development come from?

As designers are digging deeper, they often rediscover historic production processes and design principles, that make sense in the now as well. “We learn from history that we never learn from history”, a quote of a dear friend of mine. Now I learn that there are two meanings to this. The project of Caterina Tiolo is a good example for how changing the order of an old process can lead to totally new approaches – design and material wise. The development of redefining traditional processes and ingredients is really exciting. Or look at “Consumption of heritage” by Lee Sun: She uses traditional crafts and simple materials like paper in a modern fashion context and in that way values her heritage. So yes, if “back to the roots” to you means “revitalise tradition and values”, it is certainly a dominant development.


You are curating the Sustainable Innovations for the fifth time this season. What has changed?

From my perspective, it is not working on changes – we are working on this as a journey. I see many strong developments and tendencies and they are driven by dedicated professionals. Not only business and money-driven but instead also by values. I see that the industry is working on becoming a better version of itself. Feeling a glimpse of shared responsibility between designers, manufacturers, press and media, I am very optimistic. In the end it is all about the perfect couple: quality and consciousness.

2020 – a new decade begins. Looking to the future: how do you think the interplay of sustainability and textiles will develop?

As optimistic as I may sound – the more research I do in the field of textiles and fashion, it all comes down to our individual responsibilities: our behaviours as a human, existing as a consumer in this economic system. The causality of change has two central elements to start with: demand and supply. We have to stop putting ‘the good’ into a colonial and capitalistic context as from the early start of textile history to the fashion world of the now: The more we are aware and the more we share, together we can make this a great journey. Let’s take this chance and restore the enthusiasm to this economic world. Let’s thrive!

Visit Sustainable Innovations at KEYHOUSE on February 4-6 2020 in Munich.

SISAL, MORE THAN A ROPE | Keyhouse, #6
UNSEAM | Keyhouse, #3

New Icon Guidance System to increase Transparency

Answering to the theme of innovation driven by THRIVABILITY, MUNICH FABRIC START has developed a new icon guidance system with which all material highlights presented in the trend forums are marked according to their sustainable as well as technical functions. In this way, trade fair visitors can quickly and clearly see what additional product features and functions the shown fabrics and ingredients have.

Each of the 44 icons indicates a specific characteristic related to the sustainability or performance of the respective product. With the help of these icons, manufacturers can highlight the added value of their products and at the same time make it easier for interested buyers to navigate through the increasingly vast range of products on offer.


“With our new icon guidance system, we are highlighting the interface between contemporary aesthetics and invisible but important advanced product features. In doing so, we see MUNICH FABRIC START neither as a certification body nor an audit agency – for the given classification, we rely on the information and honesty of the respective supplier of the corresponding samples. We are thus taking an important step towards information, transparency and responsible action in the interest of the industry.

Jo Baumgartner, Fabrics & Trends MUNICH FABRIC START


In this sense, all specific properties such as eco-labels, social standards, performance indicators, limit values, chemical ingredients, etc. must be verified again with the respective provider. In the trend forums at MUNICH FABRIC START, you will find the icon legend with the corresponding explanations and meanings behind all of the icons.

‘Sustainability is not just a trend but a MUST’

At Munich Fabric Start, we are constantly evolving and expanding our offering to meet the demands of the fashion industry. As a whole, the fashion industry is experiencing the effects from increasingly consumer led trends and habits. We are undergoing a shift from fast fashion to slower, sustainable and more responsible manufacturing, transparent supply chains as well as inherently greener brands, products and materials.

“Sustainability is more than just a trend. We are convinced that the industry will fundamentally change in the coming years from within and as a result of this topic.”
– Jo Baumgartner, Trend Researcher at Munich Fabric Start

The upcoming edition of Munich Fabric Start puts issues around sustainability at the forefront with revolutionary new formats. Here are our platforms and initiatives which are making it easier and more accessible to source sustainable at the next edition of Munich Fabric Start.

With ReSource, Munich Fabric Start has established an advanced sourcing platform that demonstrates new dimensions of sustainability for innovative and future-oriented production processes. It has defined a forum, initiated and supported by experts that provides real solutions, provides information on the latest standards through seminars and lectures, even bringing together potential cooperation partners.
Find the complete ReSource range online to source your eco fabrics and trims 24/7. This unique platform facilitates the sourcing of responsible and clean fabrics and accessories from around the world.
Check out the full list of events happening at ReSource here.

Trend Forum
In our Trend Forums we explore the theme of sustainability with “FORWARD ETHICS” the clothing brand concepts which represent the demand for transparency and caters to the more conscious and informed consumer. Fundamentally it explores the transparency in the production and supply chain, all the way from the seed used by farmers making natural dyes to production and distribution. Keynote speakers, panel discussions and round tables discussions will shed more light on this ongoing transformation as well as provide food for thought and insights into the future.

“Consumer behavior has changed a lot and with it, so too has the market. The consumer is more informed than ever before. The consumer is more conscious and critical, demanding transparency in the production and supply chain.”
– Jo Baumgartner, Trend Researcher at Munich Fabric Start

The event program on offer at Munich Fabric Start is a reflection on the issues, strategies and common themes the industry as a collective are facing right now. With many of our seminars, panel discussions and keynote talks led by the theme of sustainability, we are equipping our visitors with the necessary tools and know-how to grow their brand and business successfully during these times. In particular you should be sure not to miss these two highlights:

Lifestyle & Design. Sustainable Resources & Circular Processes. Big Data & Artificial Intelligence. Topics that were completely separate in the past influence each other and become the melting pot of the future of fashion.

Li Edelkoort | Founder and President of
the Parisian trend forecasting agency Trend Union
Michael Stanley-Jones | Co-Secretary, UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion
– United Nations Environment Programme
Tricia Carey | Director Global Business Development Denim at Lenzing Fibers
Natasha Franck | CEO & Founder EON Group Holdings Inc.
Erik Bang | Innovation Lead H&M Foundation
Muchaneta Kapfunde | Founding Editor-in-Chief
Moderation: Jana Kern & Alex Vogt | KERN. Consulting
Tuesday, 3rd September 2019 at 11.30am, KEYHOUSE Hall 5

From slow fashion to mainstream business, materials to education, sustainability is a vast and complex issue that has raised many questions on how we can reshape the fashion industry for good.

Muchaneta Kapfunde, Founding Editor-in-Chief, interviews these 4 ladies:
Charney Magri | Co-Director: Catwalk to Creation and Partner: Do Epic Good
Olivia Pinnock | Fashion Journalist, Lecturer and Founder of The Fashion Debates
Abigail Morris | Founder and CEO of Compare Ethics
Rosanne van der Meer | Founder The Girl and The Machine & N.I.O.
Wednesday, 4th September 2019 at 10.30am, KEYHOUSE Hall 5


Our think tank for the fusion of fashion, innovation and technology with seminars, panels, presentations and guided tours, Keyhouse presents the latest innovations for smart textiles, sustainable developments and innovative production methods. The lecture area in Keyhouse will host a series of talks, presentations and discussions centered around the theme of sustainability.

Sustainable Innovations
Presented in Hall 5 at Keyhouse, Sustainable Innovations exists somewhere between poetry and problem solving. Showcasing inspirational applications of revolutionary innovations ranging from 3D printing, to human capital, to circular solutions.

‘With this edition we show several projects that provide concrete examples of what the successful interplay between poetry and problem solving can look like.’
– Simon Angel, Curator of Sustainable Innovations

Exhibitor Developments and Sample Areas
Samples submitted to our ReSource area will be showcased throughout the show in various convienient locations, including in the walkways of the MOC building, a selection of samples will be presented at Keyhouse to compliment the sustainable innovations area as well as dotted throughout the trend forum. Of course ReSource fabrics, labelling and additional products will be on display in the dedicated ReSource area in Hall K4.

As you can see, sustainability and its related areas are broadly and comprehensively represented. MUNICH FABRIC START became committed at a very early stage and initiated strong forums which are continuously expanding.

You’re invited to attend MUNICH FABRIC START, where more than 1000 suppliers will present more than 1800 collections for Fabrics and Additionals for Autumn.Winter 20/21.

MUNICH FABRIC START: 3-5 of September 2019