No Water Wastage
Tejidos Royo: Driving The Textile Revolution with DRY INDIGO®
Tejidos Royo is the engine of the current Industrial Textile Revolution with the development of Dry Indigo® technology. After 11 years of research, in collaboration with Gastón Systems Inc. and Indigo Mill Designs (IMD), they have managed to modify the conventional Indigo dyeing process, eliminating water consumption. Dry Indigo® uses foam for application. Thanks to this, they use 0% of water in the process, totally eliminating the discharge of wastewater, reduce energy use by 65% and 89% of chemical products. An ECO-TECHNOLOGY certified by AITEX (2019AP0053).
Thanks to this innovation, Tejidos Royo was able to launch the One Million Liters project. A revolutionary initiative with a clear concept: donate 1 million liters of water saved thanks to the Dry Indigo system to social causes that need this resource to live. In 2019, the first million liters saved were delivered to UNICEF. For 2020 their goal was to involve the industry and consumers through an international competition, inviting them to choose the cause to donate the second million liters. In January 2020, the winner will be revealed.
One Million Liters Now Has a Beneficiary
Two months after its launch, the One Million Liters initiative now has a beneficiary, the Chakaka Primary School in Benga, Malawi. The school’s nearest well is 500 metres away, and the amount of water it provides is not enough for the more than 1,500 boys and girls at the school, as the well it is shared with a large local community.
The project aims to resolve these problems by drilling a new well and installing a pump that ensures a permanent supply of drinking water at the school. As a result, the school will have all the water it needs for drinking and cooking, as well as to clean the classrooms, toilets and kitchens, thereby improving hygiene and sanitation which is necessary in order to prevent the spread of diseases.
This is the culmination of Tejidos Royo’s first initiative to raise awareness of how changing one part of the manufacturing process not only makes a big difference to the industry but also contributes to a good cause. Dry Indigo® is a great milestone in this regard and Tejidos Royo hope that it will inspire both the sector and brands in the development of technologies that contribute to making our industry much more responsible with the environment.
Visit Tejidos Royo at BLUEZONE on February 4 – 5 2020 in Munich.
Spain – Hall 6 | C03