New Materials

Navigating the Future of Sustainable Innovation

Navigating the Future of Sustainable Innovation

An interview with Simon Angel

3. September 2024

Simon, this season’s Sustainable Innovations (SI) exhibit at Munich Fabric Start seems to have taken a more introspective turn. Could you share how you’ve approached the curation for this year?

Simon Angel: Absolutely. If you look at our past themes, they almost read like serialized literature. We began by exploring the challenges designers faced and the industry’s reluctance to move beyond traditional practices. Over time, our sustainable theme has woven itself into the very fabric of our industry—integrating into processes, policies, and people’s mindsets. This season, we’re continuing this saga by posing critical questions and embracing a more holistic narrative. It’s less about solutions and more about interventions and transformative thinking.

Interesting. Could you elaborate on how this philosophy manifests in the exhibited projects?

Simon Angel: Certainly. Take Suzanne Oude Hengel’s “Knit in Motion” as an example. Suzanne’s work challenges conventional knitting practices and pushes boundaries. Her exploration into combining knitting with thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) and 3D printing isn’t just about creating new forms; it’s about questioning and redefining traditional manufacturing processes. This fusion of techniques not only rejuvenates product design but also opens up new vistas for the industry.

Knit in Motion by Suzanne Oude Hengel

Joris de Groot’s work is also featured prominently. How does his approach fit into this narrative?

Simon Angel: Joris’s approach is quintessential to our theme of questioning and innovation. His “2000N Pressed Shoe” and “Recycled Raincoat” projects exemplify how traditional techniques can be reimagined for modern applications. By integrating industrial processes with sustainable practices, Joris turns waste into valuable products, thus challenging the very concept of material utility in fashion. His collaboration on the “Welded Loop” project further demonstrates how combining different techniques can lead to novel, sustainable solutions.

Tjeerd Veenhoven’s projects with mycelium are intriguing. How do they contribute to the broader narrative?

Simon Angel: Tjeerd‘s work with mycelium embodies a leap towards sustainable material innovation. His “Mycelium 2D Printing” explores the use of fungal materials to replace conventional plastics and dyes. This aligns perfectly with our theme of questioning and rethinking systems. Tjeerd’s projects aren’t just about creating sustainable alternatives; they represent a paradigm shift in how we perceive and utilize biological materials in fashion.

Iris Veentjer’s “RietGoed” project also stands out. What role does it play in this season’s exhibit?

Simon Angel: Iris’s “RietGoed” is a prime example of how material innovation can address environmental challenges. By developing high-quality textiles from reed fibers, she tackles issues like soil subsidence and CO2 emissions. Iris’s approach is a testament to how sustainable practices can be seamlessly integrated into textile production, promoting both ecological balance and economic viability.

Fabolous Fungi by Ilse Kremer

RietGoed by Iris Veentjer

LightLining by Biotexfuture

Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven

Ilse Kremer’s “Fabulous Fungi” introduces a novel way to approach textile dyeing. How does it fit into the exhibit’s overarching theme?

Simon Angel: Ilse’s “Fabulous Fungi” project is a brilliant illustration of how we can rethink traditional processes. By utilizing fungi to produce dyes, Ilse addresses both environmental and health concerns associated with synthetic dyes. This project embodies our theme of exploring and implementing alternative solutions that are both innovative and sustainable.


Lastly, can you shed some light on the BIOTEXFUTURE initiatives and its relevance to this year’s theme?

Simon Angel: BIOTEXFUTURE is at the forefront of transitioning the textile industry to biobased materials. This initiative, which includes projects like TransitionLab and LightLining, aligns with our broader narrative of fostering systemic change. By focusing on biobased polymers and sustainable textiles, BIOTEXFUTURE is paving the way for a future where the textile industry can achieve true circularity and sustainability.

Studio Joris de Groot

How do you see these innovations influencing the future of the textile industry?

Simon Angel: These innovations represent a profound shift in how we approach textile design and production. They challenge existing paradigms and offer new perspectives on sustainability. By fostering a culture of questioning and experimentation, we’re not just enhancing the industry’s practices but also inspiring a broader societal shift towards more sustainable and thoughtful consumption.

Simon, thank you for sharing these insights. It’s clear that this season’s SI exhibit is not just about showcasing new materials but about sparking a deeper conversation about the future of our industry.

Simon Angel: My pleasure. I invite everyone to engage with these projects and be a part of this evolving dialogue. It’s through such collective exploration that we’ll truly drive forward sustainable innovation.

We look forward to experiencing this season’s exhibit and seeing how these pioneering ideas will shape the future.

Simon Angel: Thank you. See you at the SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS – and don’t forget: you’ll find us at the Keyhouse in Hall 7 this season!

Discover more industry-changing innovations at our upcoming trade shows:

INTUITION – In conversation with the organisers of MUNICH FABRIC START about the zeitgeist, trade shows and new chances


An interview with the organisers of MUNICH FABRIC START about the zeitgeist, trade shows and new chances

3. September 2024

The MUNICH FABRIC START is about to start. How does it feel to get going again after the challenges of the last few years?

Sebastian Klinder: It feels good! The industry has been in a thoroughly challenging situation. After the last VIEW in June this year, there is a slight upward mood. And that is exactly what we noticed during the preparations for this trade show. There is a cautious spirit of optimism, which has a motivating effect. MUNICH FABRIC START offers the perfect framework for transforming this positive energy and putting it into practice.

Frank Junker: Absolutely. It’s also the right time for us to come together again. The MUNICH FABRIC START is more than just a trade show – it is a platform where ideas are born and new paths are taken. I firmly believe that we need more joy and fun in the industry again. This is also reflected in our September programme: it is varied, inspiring and full of new ideas.

This season’s theme is ‘INTUITION’. What does this theme mean for MUNICH FABRIC START and the industry as a whole?

Sebastian Klinder: ‘INTUITION’ is the central contemporary theme for us because it reflects the way in which we can react resiliently to the current challenges both in society as a whole and in the fashion industry. Our industry is still undergoing disruptive change and it is at times like these that it is particularly important to trust your intuition. The main theme aims to highlight human emotion as a source of creativity. We want to focus on the instincts that help us make the right decisions in uncertain times. This is also reflected in the trends for Autumn.Winter 25/26, which focus strongly on resilience, dreams and a return to the essentials.

Frank Junker: Exactly, and it’s explicitly not just about fashion, but about the entire environment in which we operate. ‘INTUITION’ means that we have the courage to rely on our inner voice instead of just relying on hard facts and data. MUNICH FABRIC START provides the space where creativity and intuition can go hand in hand to drive innovation. It is an invitation to our industry to embrace the unknown and break new ground by relying on what you feel deep inside.

Sebastian Klinder (Managing Director) & Frank Junker (Creative Director & Partner), MUNICH FABRIC START

» INTUITION means that we have the courage to rely on our inner voice instead of just relying on hard facts and data «

This year’s motto at BLUEZONE is ‘DENIMINED’. What can visitors expect in this area?

Frank Junker: ‘DENIMINED’ is a neologism that reflects our deep commitment to denim. BLUEZONE has always been a place where tradition and innovation meet, and that will be the case again this time. Visitors can look forward to a wide-ranging programme, from new technologies in denim production to live design sessions. It’s about seeing denim not just as a fabric, but as part of a global culture that is constantly on the move.

Sebastian Klinder: Thanks to the runtime synchronisation of MUNICH FABRIC START and BLUEZONE, the two platforms will become an even more integrated ecosystem in which we can offer the denim community an even bigger stage. ‘DENIMINED’ brings together the A-Z of denim in the directly adjacent Zenith Area and showcases everything the industry has to offer. Whether sustainable production, innovative materials or creative designs – everyone will find something to inspire them here. The BLUEZONE is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of denim and experience the latest trends and developments up close.

MUNICH FABRIC START presents around 1,000 collections from international suppliers on around 40,000 square metres. Where do you see yourselves in this context and what are your next goals?

Sebastian Klinder: MUNICH FABRIC START has become one of the most important trade shows for the international fashion industry. But we prefer quality to quantity. We focus on gaining importance in different markets within Europe. Of course, the 40,000 square metres of exhibition space and around 1,000 collections show how diverse and dynamic our industry is. But above all, we are proud to once again make Munich the central venue for designers, product managers and the entire fashion industry. Numbers are not the ultimate measure for us – we are more interested in our show being a platform where not only business is done, but where trends are set and sustainable, value-adding and creative partnerships are established.

“Numbers are not the ultimate measure for us – we are more interested in our show being a platform where not only business is done, but where trends are set and sustainable, value-adding and creative partnerships are established.”

Frank Junker: In a nutshell, our show is where the industry comes together to shape the future of fashion. We offer different areas and themes that allow visitors to get informed and get inspired at the same time. It is this synthesis of diversity and structure that makes MUNICH FABRIC START so unique and a must for everyone in the fashion industry. And our goal is to continue to improve within these structures.

In addition to the hard business factors, the MFS always offers plenty of opportunities for networking and dialogue with industry experts. What can visitors expect?

Sebastian Klinder: This year we have put together a particularly rich programme of seminars and presentations. Topics range from sustainability best practice and supply chain challenges to internationally influential trend seminars – such as the Trendlectures by Li Edelkoort and Peclers Paris. As well as providing valuable insights, these events are a great opportunity to network with other industry experts and make new contacts. The legendary MUNIQUE Night Aftershow Party is one of the highlights, taking place as always on the evening of the first day of the show. Here, visitors can network in a relaxed atmosphere and gain new inspiration for their work through discussions.

Frank Junker: Effectiveness and flexibility are core principles of our work. Our aim is to create an authentic, competent, approachable and open event that meets market requirements. We listen carefully to our exhibitors, partners and visitors and use our lean structures to act boldly and decisively. MUNICH FABRIC START is a trade show that is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the industry. This is the reason why we will continue to play a central role in the fashion industry in the future.

How is MUNICH FABRIC START positioning itself at a time when the requirements for trade shows that reflect global markets are becoming increasingly complex?

Sebastian Klinder: We have responded to the changing requirements by shortening the duration of the trade show to two days without compromising on quality and service. This enables our exhibitors and visitors to use their time efficiently and still make all the important contacts and gather information. Our platform is designed to be flexible and adaptable – this reliability is our key to success in an age where change is the only constant.

Frank Junker: Effectiveness and flexibility are core principles of our work. Our aim is to create an authentic, competent, approachable and open event that meets market requirements. We listen carefully to our exhibitors, partners and visitors and use our lean structures to act boldly and decisively. MUNICH FABRIC START is a trade show that is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the industry. This is the reason why we will continue to play a central role in the fashion industry in the future.

How do you see the future of MUNICH FABRIC START and the fashion industry in general?

Sebastian Klinder: I am optimistic. The challenges of the last few years have shown us how adaptable our industry is. With MUNICH FABRIC START we are creating a platform that brings the right people together at the right time and in the right place. We are ready for what lies ahead. I am convinced that as an industry we will emerge stronger and more creative.

Frank Junker: The future is full of opportunities. If we continue to focus on our strengths – creativity, innovation and collaboration – there is no limit to what we can achieve. MUNICH FABRIC START will continue to play a key role in shaping that future in the years to come. I look forward to seeing how we can move the industry forward together.

Sebastian; Frank – thank you for the interview!

Discover more industry-changing innovations at our upcoming trade shows:



3. September 2024

At the upcoming MUNICH FABRIC START, around 600 international suppliers will present their material innovations for all apparel segments in the FABRICS Area. The complete product portfolio of fashionable woven and knitted fabrics made of wool, cotton, silk, blends and functional fibres will be presented here. For the Autumn.Winter 25/26 season, we present some new products and highlights from international producers in our FABRICS blog posts:


The Fall/Winter 25-26 collection is focused on synthetic qualities blended with natural fibers as well as fabrics suitable for outwear, jackets or swimwear. The claim “The best made by our hands” highlight the importance of our partners to create an high quality fabric giving the best service possible. The growing importance of Eco-sustainability in the manufacturing field has led the company to be GRS certificated and to introduced more recycled Nylon and Polyester fabrics too, as well as brand new ecological finishing process

Italy – H3 | C 08

“The claim ‘The best made by our hands’ highlight the importance of our partners to create an high quality fabric giving the best service possible.”



Leathertex has conquered the experimental textile track for more than forty years thanks to the pioneering and bold spirit of Francesco Favini. Favini pushed beyond the standard of the textile industry during the 1970’s and did not let Prato production limit his wool fabrics. From then on, a lot has changed but the foundations remain the same. There is a common enthusiasm, the desire to expand and grow, and the key objective to please the customer.

Flocked, coated and resin finished fabrics were vanguard fabrics in the 1970’s. Today, because of diversification high tech productions are now possible at Leathertex.

Today, the mill is well known because of its superb production of the highest quality of imitation leather. The imitation leather is produced in many variations with unique looks, feel, colors and thickness. The sample room at the mill has a wide range of models made up of synthetic as well as cotton fabrics, coated, quilted and embroidered fabrics, and fabrics bonded with faux furs, films and plastic materials.

Italy – S1 | E 124

“All fabrics come to life with the highest attention to details and are aligned with the demands of the fashion market.”



At Lemar, diversity is the key element in their full range of fabrics. Each article is designed to meet varied needs, whether for clothing, modern accessories, or home wear items. Lemar stands out for the quality and versatility of its options, enabling any brand collection to come to life with style and originality. By exploring their collections, you will find not just fine fabrics, but also the possibility of transforming your ideas into reality, offering solutions that perfectly adapt to any desired end use.

Portugal – H4 | F 03

“Lemar stands out for the quality and versatility of its options, enabling any brand collection to come to life with style and originality.”



New Fabric Collection by BUNTASTIC


New Print Design Collection by BUNTASTIC

3. September 2024

Natural resilience, gaining back power and emotional connection – welcome Autumn/Winter 2025!

At the upcoming MUNICH FABRIC START, BUNTASTIC will present their material innovations for the Autumn.Winter 25/26 season in the new Design Studios area in the rooms E 119 & F 111 on the first floor in S1 DS. 

Buntastic Design Studio has put together for us a “bowl” of fresh design ingredients for fall/winter 2025. New, innovative components in combination with comforting “dishes” serve us new, promising creations.

Natural resilience: Experiencing ourselves as part of nature and at the same time connecting deeply with our own “humanness”, creates resilience. Animal motifs reminiscent of tree bark, camouflage that transports us into moss-covered landscapes, offering a breath of fresh air, even in an office setting.

Regaining Power:  A.I. and the associated uncertainty leave us with conflicted feelings. Buntastic embraces this artificial influence by adding a “pinch” of innovation to our beloved designs to rejuvenate and empower.

Emotional Connection: In a world in which trends move ever faster, and are therefore in clear contradiction to sustainability, buntastic creates a counterbalance. Artistic intuition, which creates an emotion for the end consumer, is embedded in the zeitgeist and deliberately detached from micro-trends. “Sometimes a print is just right and becomes the next big hit – or even a trend,” says Tanja Neßler, art-director and owner.

“Experiencing ourselves as part of nature and at the same time connecting deeply with our own ‘humanness’, creates resilience.”

Join us for the upcoming season as we look forward to exploring these themes and more

with you at Buntastic Design Studio in S1 DS | E 05!





2. September 2024

At the upcoming MUNICH FABRIC START, around 600 international suppliers will present their material innovations for all apparel segments in the FABRICS Area. The complete product portfolio of fashionable woven and knitted fabrics made of wool, cotton, silk, blends and functional fibres will be presented here. For the Autumn.Winter 25/26 season, we present some new products and highlights from international producers in our FABRICS blog posts:

Heinrich Sundag Textildesign + Vertrieb

Fluffy soft fleece qualities in 100% wool and two weight classes in organic design and Gots-certified from the German producer Textilveredlung Keller.

This quality is suitable for the toddler sector thanks to its special softness and Gots certification, but also for the wintry adult outdoor sector thanks to its particularly warming properties combined with light weight. A wonderfully soft, lightweight, 300g/m² quality made from 100% organic merino wool and Gots-certified is available from stock in 9 colors. A 350g/m² heavier version can be made to order.

“This quality is suitable for the toddler sector thanks to its special softness and Gots certification, but also for the wintry adult outdoor sector thanks to its particularly warming properties combined with light weight.”

Intra-Tess, Italy offers high-quality fine jerseys in wool/cotton, silk, jacquards in cotton/silk or in the less expensive cotton and recycled nylon version. Lightweight double-faced fabrics in linen/wool, wool/cotton speak a modern language. Wool fabrics from the ital. Wool fabrics from Italian producers Bianchi-Nila, Casadei and Sintopel in versatile knitting variations and techniques, some Gots-certified, ensure optimum body temperature in winter. Fashionable and creative ribbons and trims, fringes made of versatile materials from Manifattura Modenese can enhance plain styles in a simple way. Knitted cuffs, ribbons and collars are ideal complements to the indoor and outdoor qualities on offer.

Germany – H2 | B 07


Additionals Trends Autumn.Winter 25/26 – Part 6


We Nordic Label Studios: Elevating Brand Identity with Simplicity and Refined Details

2. September 2024

The latest developments for buttons, ribbons, decorative stones, closures, linings, lace, embroidery, interlinings as well as labeling and branding solutions will be presented by around 150 leading international ingredients and accessories suppliers in the ADDITIONALS Area at MUNICH FABRIC START. Explore some of the novelties here in our ADDITIONALS blog posts:

In the world of branding, where every detail can define a brand’s image, We Nordic Label Studios is recognized for its innovation, craftsmanship, sustainability, and compliance. Specializing in custom labels, hangtags, packaging, branding, and trimmings, this Danish-founded studio has made its mark by blending minimalist design with a strong focus on responsible practices.

Crafting Identity Through Innovation

At We Nordic Label Studios, there is a strong belief in the power of collaboration and creativity. By collaborating with the visionary minds behind each brand, the studio transforms ideas into tangible products that resonate with a brand’s ethos. Their meticulous approach ensures that even the smallest design elements make a significant impact, contributing to a cohesive brand narrative.

“We Nordic Label Studios is recognized for its innovation, craftsmanship, sustainability, and compliance.”

Certifications You Can Trust

Central to the studio’s philosophy is a commitment to responsible practices. We Nordic prioritizes materials with globally recognized certifications that attest to their environmental integrity and ethical production:

  • Global Recycled Standard (GRS): Guarantees that products contain recycled materials and meet stringent environmental and social criteria.
  • Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): Ensures that products are made from organic fibers and are manufactured sustainably, free from harmful chemicals.
  • Forest Stewardship Council (FSC): Promotes responsible forest management by sourcing paper-based materials that protect biodiversity and support local communities.
  • OEKO-TEX Standard 100: Certifies that textile accessories are free from harmful substances, prioritizing consumer safety and ecological sustainability.

From Vision to Reality: Design Excellence

The journey with We Nordic Label Studios begins with a deep understanding of a brand’s vision. The studio specializes in translating conceptual ideas into exquisite designs that captivate and resonate. Whether it’s labels that speak of craftsmanship, hangtags that tell a brand’s story, or packaging that enhances product presentation, each piece is crafted to reflect the essence of the brand.


Danish Design Philosophy: Simplicity and Refined Details

Rooted in Danish design principles, We Nordic’s aesthetic revolves around simplicity, elegance, and attention to refined details. The studio views design as storytelling, and through its creations, it aims to amplify the unique narrative of each brand it collaborates with.

“The studio specializes in translating conceptual ideas into exquisite designs that captivate and resonate.”

A Global Presence

With a presence spanning key locations, including a sales and design studio in Odense, Denmark, a sales and showroom in Hamburg, Germany, and operational centers in Hong Kong, China, Europe, and Türkiye, We Nordic Label Studios ensures seamless production, logistics, and warehousing capabilities worldwide. This global footprint allows the company to deliver excellence across borders while maintaining the highest standards of craftsmanship and responsible compliance.


Our Story: Designing Tomorrow, Today

Founded in the heart of the Nordic region by a team of passionate individuals with deep expertise in fashion accessories and design, We Nordic Label Studios was born from a shared vision to redefine industry standards. The studio’s journey is a testament to innovation, craftsmanship, and a steadfast commitment to sustainable practices, ensuring that every product bearing the We Nordic name reflects dedication to quality and responsibility. In conclusion, We Nordic Label Studios doesn’t just create products; it crafts experiences that resonate with audiences.

The company invites others to join in shaping a future where innovation meets responsible practices, and where every detail tells a story of craftsmanship and care.








1. September 2024

At BLUEZONE, some 100 international Denim- and sportswear suppliers will present their most recent Denim novelties and innovations. Halls 6 + 7 will become the blue hotspot again. Parallel to MUNICH FABRIC START with THE SOURCE and KEYHOUSE, the Zenith area will become the hub of the international denim community with an all-round relevant event program.

With the leitmotif DENIMINED, we invite the industry to have a clear and unique vision in this world of constant change, to show its own DENIMINED… Together with all international industry leaders, let us define or reinterpret the different DENIMINED’s that can be created in the wide world of DENIMS!


Tejidos Royo has embraced the sustainable philosophy of circular fashion. Based on this idea, this century company has developed a new collection composed of fabrics that have undergone a process that makes them more durable, long-lasting and color resistant.

Timeless is a new concept from Tejidos Royo that represents the creation of high-quality garments with less impact on the planet, ensuring the garment longevity and encouraging the reparability of garments since these garments are eco-designed to consider the entire life cycle of the product.

Timeless, with improved fabric’s resistance color to domestic washes prevents worn-out appearance on garments, as well as color change. Its durability allows it to stand the test of time, extending the garment’s lifetime.

Tejidos Royo has developed a high-quality finish with the following characteristics and values: 4 at water washy and perspiration fastness, 4 at dry rocking fastness, 40% recovery improvement, and 4 at color change after 30 repeated home laundering. With these results, Timeless fabrics demonstrate their worth.

The first pathway to sustainability is to ensure the longevity and durability of textile products to reduce the consumption of natural resources. Increasing endurance allows longer use and reuse of products, contributing to extending the life cycle of textiles. At the design stage, careful selection of material increases the longevity and durability of textiles. With all these ideas in mind, Tejidos Royo product team have created these impressive and long-lasting fabrics.



Experience the future of denim with our revolutionary Soft Denim, part of our FW-25/26 collection. This collection composed mainly by lyocell, with cotton-free items, offers unparalleled softness and a sophisticated drape that elevates your style effortlessly.

Their Soft Denim stands out not just for its luxurious feel, but also for its commitment to sustainability. Using Dry Indigo® technology, this denim is dyed using 0% water, with no water discharge and significantly reducing chemical use by 89% and energy consumption by 65%. This innovative process not only conserves precious resources but also ensures a lower environmental footprint.

Their collection Soft Denim is designed for the modern individual who values comfort and sustainable fashion.






1. September 2024

At the upcoming MUNICH FABRIC START, around 600 international suppliers will present their material innovations for all apparel segments in the FABRICS Area. The complete product portfolio of fashionable woven and knitted fabrics made of wool, cotton, silk, blends and functional fibres will be presented here. For the Autumn.Winter 25/26 season, we present some new products and highlights from international producers in our FABRICS blog posts:


Specialized in what they like: Manifattura di Carmignano is more than a textile company: it is a core group of people united by a passion for excellence and an unwavering commitment to sustainability. Since 2008, their journey has been guided by a twofold goal: to create high quality textile products and to promote a greener, more sustainable future. Nestled in the heart of Agliana, Tuscany, MDC is not merely a company; it is a testament to the enduring value of sustainable practices, exceptional quality, and a profound commitment to ethical manufacturing.

MDC offers an extensive range of services and products, tailored to meet the diverse needs of their clientele. From sophisticated knitted and jersey fabric for high – fashion garments to bespoke fabric designed for professional uniform, their portfolio is a testament to their versatility and dedication to excellence.

Italy – S 1 | E 124

“Their collections feature the finest pure wool, worsted fabric, RWS certified, alongside carded items and exclusive chanel patterns. Their specialty, boiled wool, is available in both plain and patterned varieties, perfect for luxurious jacket and coats.”


Discover their modern and stylish designs. Enhance every project with their high-quality fabrics. At FIRATEKS, they take pride in delivering elegant and innovative products. Elevate your fashion with FIRATEKS. Highlight your uniqueness through their perfect blend of quality and aesthetics.

Türkiye – H3 | B 13

“At FIRATEKS, they take pride in delivering elegant and innovative products.”



Getzner Textil is expanding its sustainable collection for autumn/winter 25/26 with a focus on sustainable fibres made from regenerative cotton and organic cotton. The new blends are easy-iron and skin-friendly and do not contain any synthetic resins, formaldehyde, silicones or optical brighteners. Getzner Textil has long focussed on resource-saving production and produces exclusively in Europe. Hemp and Tencel™ are also important components of the new collection.

Austria – Hall 4 | E 03

“The new blends are easy-iron and skin-friendly and do not contain any synthetic resins, formaldehyde, silicones or optical brighteners.”


Ioakimidis Textiles collections are a captivating fusion of bold textures and rich hues, reflecting a blend of timeless elegance and modern flair. From sumptuous velvet to luxurious silk, each fabric tells a story of sophistication and style. Imagine a deep emerald velvet, exuding opulence and comfort. Picture a chic and inviting ambiance with sparkling sequins. These fabrics are not just materials, they are expressions of creativity and taste, elevating anybody with their distinctive presence.

Greece – H4 | C 05



LANIFICIO TESSILPELO (PRATO): GRS certified collection

Whether you are looking for wool-blends with textured surfaces, brushed checks, bouclés or hairy articles for coats and jacktes, you will find it all at Tessilpelo’s. The collection for ladies and menswear focuses on a new interpretation of heritage and traditional patterns and is GRS certified.

Germany – S1 | F 103




KEYHOUSE – The Innovation Hub For Tomorrow's Fashion


1. September 2024

In the atmospheric industrial charm of KEYHOUSE, Hall 7, progressive suppliers and global players from cross-industry sectors will be showcasing their latest new developments and innovations. On over 1,000 square metres, you will find trend-setting future fabrics and new process technologies – be it in terms of sustainability, circular economy, digitalisation & AI, traceability, textile dyeing or finishing. Staged as an interactive think tank, future-oriented show cases will be in the spotlight alongside sustainable innovations.

KEYHOUSE is also home to the main lecture forum of MUNICH FABRIC START with exclusive keynotes, panel discussions, trend presentations, Q&A sessions & expert talks by international industry insiders. Be inspired by the wide range of events at KEYHOUSE.



What is fashion? Fashion is creativity and expressing yourself. That’s beautiful and it gives every one of us a certain identity. It’s made out of fabrics, so to say “resources”. These resources are finite. However, 30% of overproduced clothes are being dumped every year, equating to roughly 5 million tonnes, or 12 kg per person in the EU. To put it in simple terms: This is not beautiful anymore…

To limit these effects and to promote recycling & repair systems, the European Commission has imposed the “Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation” (ESPR), which sprung to life on July 18, 2024. This isn’t just another piece of legislation. It’s a game-changer for the European market, aimed squarely at making sustainable products the new norm. Think of it as the EU’s bold stride towards a greener future, wrapped up in a robust action plan that redefines how products are designed, used, and recycled.

Denmark – H7 KH | K 03 A

“This isn’t just another piece of legislation. It’s a game-changer for the European market, aimed squarely at making sustainable products the new norm. Think of it as the EU’s bold stride towards a greener future, wrapped up in a robust action plan that redefines how products are designed, used, and recycled.”


What’s the Buzz All About? Picture this: a regulation that goes beyond mere suggestions and instead puts firm rules into play. The ESPR replaces the older Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC and shakes things up by establishing ecodesign requirements that span almost all physical goods. From your favorite sneakers to that nifty new blender, everything is covered!

Digital Product Passport – Your Product’s New ID One of the standout features of the ESPR is the Digital Product Passport (DPP). Imagine a digital ID card for products that holds all the relevant details like where it’s from, what it’s made of, and its environmental footprint. This isn’t just a win for transparency; it’s a revolutionary way to keep tabs on sustainability and make sure products play by the green rules.

No More Wasted Potential Here’s a kicker: the ESPR puts an end to the eyebrow-raising practice of destroying unsold textiles and footwear. Now, brands will need to think twice before tossing unsold goods, thanks to a ban that could extend to other products too. And yes, they’ll have to spill the beans on how much they’re discarding every year. Talk about airing your dirty laundry!

Green Public Procurement: Spending Green to Go Green With public authorities in the EU shelling out a cool €1.8 trillion annually, the ESPR steers these funds towards more sustainable choices. This isn’t just about buying green; it’s about fostering a market where sustainable products are the stars of the show.

What’s Next? The rollout of the ESPR isn’t a sprint but a marathon. Starting with a prioritization exercise and moving through stakeholder consultations and detailed planning, each step is about getting it right—ensuring that every product hitting the market is stepping up its green game.

“Momentum plays a crucial role by providing the technology to create and manage these digital passports for fashion brands & suppliers ensuring compliance and fostering circular product development.”

Which role does Momentum play? Momentum plays a crucial role by providing the technology to create and manage these digital passports for fashion brands & suppliers ensuring compliance and fostering circular product development. The EU DPP is basically “just” a digital tag that represents the origin & composition of fabrics, eco-footprint information, and repair, recycle, and disassembly options. This data needs to be collected somewhere. Otherwise, it cannot be analyzed and displayed in a validated way. Suppliers of brands are scattered all around the world and the communication takes mostly place through phone calls, Email contact, third parties, PLM systems, etc. Suppliers and brands need to speak the same language to not only comply with current and upcoming directives but also to upgrade their communication flow in a digitized and more efficient way. Momentum builds a self-enabling supplier network that collects ESG product data tied to the actual product. Depending on the data, we validate with twelve validation mechanisms to ensure the correctness of primary entries. In this way, we sensitize suppliers and reduce their operational overhead.

That’s the new beauty and future of fashion: self-expression through garments that are not only stylish but also sustainable. This shift towards accountability at every stage of production is set to transform the industry.

Visit Momentum. at the KEYHOUSE AT H7 and find further highlights for the upcoming season.



Cartoon – Fashion for courage, joie de vivre and self-realisation

Cartoon – Fashion for courage, joie de vivre and self-realisation

A fresh breeze of optimism: Welcome to Cartoon

1. September 2024

Cartoon sweeps through the fashion world with a fresh breeze of optimism, bringing colour not only to the wardrobe but also to everyday life. With the motto ‘Wear Your Optimism’, the label makes it unmistakably clear: clothing is far more than just fabric, it is a statement, an expression of joie de vivre and self-confidence. Cartoon is not just about style, but about an attitude that brings good humour and positive vibes into everyday life. This is where fashion and optimism come together to create something unique. Welcome to the world of Cartoon, where you not only look good, but also feel good.

But what makes Cartoon so special? It’s the mix of playful design and a clear, powerful message that makes the brand stand out from the crowd. Each piece tells a story of joie de vivre and courage, without compromising on style. The bright colours, unique patterns and high-quality materials are not only a visual highlight, but also reflect the self-confidence that Cartoon wants to convey to its wearers. It’s about more than just the clothes you wear day in and day out – it’s about the feeling of bringing out the best in yourself at every moment and letting your personality shine. With Cartoon you don’t just wear fashion, you wear your optimism. Fashion is much more than just clothing. It is an expression of your personality, your zest for life and your self-confidence. Fashion has the ability not only to change us on the outside, but also to strengthen us on the inside, to give us self-confidence. This is exactly why we need fashion today that inspires, strengthens and encourages – fashion that offers more and doesn’t just blindly follow the latest trends. It should be a reflection of our optimism and encourage us to make the most of every moment.

“It’s the mix of playful design and a clear, powerful message that makes the brand stand out from the crowd. Each piece tells a story of joie de vivre and courage, without compromising on style. ‘Wear your optimism’ is more than just a motto – it’s a way of life. It means starting every day with a smile, always looking on the bright side and making the most of every situation. Our fashion is designed to help you live this attitude every day. It should accompany you, encourage you to pursue your dreams and tackle your goals with passion.”

Wear Your Optimism: More than just a motto

Our motto is: ‘Wear your optimism’. For us, optimism means always seeing the best and striving for the best. That’s why we think in superlatives: more colourful, more diverse, more imaginative. Our collections stand not only for courage, joie de vivre and self-realisation, but also for striving for more – more colour, more expression and more individuality. Fashion can help you discover your true self and fulfil yourself. Our designs are made to brighten up even the dullest of days and give you optimism wherever you go. They challenge you to try new things and make the most of every moment. We combine glamour with a cool, casual touch – the result? Looks that not only look good, but also put a smile on your face and bring pure joy. Each piece in our collection tells its own story – through modern prints, bright colours or casual cuts. These details make our fashion unique and give it depth. We don’t just want you to look good; we want our fashion to inspire you to celebrate the moment, recognise opportunities and boldly seize them. It is the expression of your creativity and helps you to show all facets of your personality.

‘Wear your optimism’ is more than just a motto – it’s a way of life. It means starting every day with a smile, always looking on the bright side and making the most of every situation. Our fashion is designed to help you live this attitude every day. It should accompany you, encourage you to pursue your dreams and tackle your goals with passion.

Make Your Story Pop

Fashion has the power to get you out of the rut and the grey everyday life. It can give you strength in tough times and help you believe in yourself again in moments of doubt. Our collections are not just stylish, they are designed to make you feel good and brighten your mood. We want you to radiate really good vibes in every piece you wear and take off with confidence.

Our fashion celebrates diversity. We recognise that everyone is unique and this is reflected in our designs. From vibrant prints and bold colours to innovative cuts and unique details, we offer you a wide range of ways to express your individual style. The diversity in our collections represents the diversity within yourself and encourages you to show the different facets of your personality.

Cartoon is more than just a label – it is an invitation to look at life through a colourful lens. In a world that is often far too serious, Cartoon brings a playful lightness and reminds us that we are the ones who decide how we see the day. Our fashion should inspire you to go through life with a smile on your face. When you wear Cartoon, you express your optimism, your courage and your joy in life. So come on, let’s make the world a little more colourful together!

The MUNICH FABRIC START team is delighted about the long-standing cooperation with CARTOON and would like to thank them once again for equipping our team with beautiful outfits!