
Successful Fabric Days With Good Visitor Frequency as Pioneer Trade Fair


Noticeable enthusiasm, the ideal starting point for the collection design for Autumn.Winter 21/22 and a good visitor frequency – a result with which FABRIC DAYS exceed all expectations after three successful fair days from 1 – 3 September 2020.

The condensed and business-focused trade fair format in Munich was the first fabric fair after the lockdown and confirms that a physical event is accepted and needed by the industry in these times.

Thanks to the great support from suppliers, the trust of the industry and the close cooperation with Messe München, we have succeeded in creating a pride example for following trade fairs under the new conditions with FABRIC DAYS.

“With the organization of the first fabric trade fair for the textile industry, we took on a great responsibility. After the cancellation of numerous trade fair events, we are particularly proud to have been able to realize FABRIC DAYS. The positive response and gratitude is overwhelming. We are very pleased about the cohesion and also the discipline with which everyone here on site worked together and we are happy to conclude the trade fair as an important source of inspiration with this result.”

Sebastian Klinder, Managing Director Munich Fabric Start



“Due to the pandemic, no one could tell what the visitor frequency would be like at the fair. So we are all the happier that an unexpectedly large number of designers, product managers and buyers travelled to Munich to explore the over 700 collections from 300 international suppliers. Many visitors and exhibitors alike thanked us for making a physical event possible after all. Our guests felt secure at all times and were pleased with the personal exchange and the new input.”

Frank Junker, Creative Director Munich Fabric Start

Among the 1,300 visiting companies on site were well-known brands such as Adidas, Aigner, Alberto, Bogner, Drykorn, Gerry Weber, Hugo Boss, Irene Luft, Lanius, Malaikaraiss, MAC, Marc O’Polo, Mey, Oui, Puma, Riani, Rich&Royal, s.Oliver, Seidensticker, SET, VETEMENTS and Wolford.

At FABRIC DAYS, around 3,600 national and international visitors from 30 countries gathered new impulses and inspiration for the Autumn.Winter 21/22 collection. Long-term partners as well as exciting newcomers presented their developments in the 6 areas Fabrics, Design Studios, Sourcing, Additionals, Denim & Sportswear and Innovations – whereby the condensed hall layout offered optimal conditions for cross-segment communication and networking.

HOPETIMISM was the seasonal theme of the visionary Trend Forum at FABRIC DAYS – and was literally experienced at FABRIC DAYS:

“I am really happy to meet our most important partners in person thanks to FABRIC DAYS. I can finally feel the spirit that defines our industry again – experience tactile collections as well as gather information and inspirations.”

Michael Seiter, Strellson

“Munich Fabric Start has always been an important date in the year for our team, so it was no question for us to also travel to Munich for FABRIC DAYS. The high quality of the exhibitors really surprised us – and we really like the pleasant atmosphere here.”

Dorothee Schumacher



Of course, safety and hygiene had the highest priority during the implementation of FABRIC DAYS. All visitors, exhibitors and contributors showed full understanding and took the extensive hygiene and safety measures into account with a high degree of naturalness and a positive spirit:

“Especially in these times, we are looking for approaches for positive thinking and new impulses. Therefore, for us as exhibitors for many years, participation in FABRIC DAYS was out of the question. And it has been confirmed: The team has managed to organize a trade fair even under these conditions, which has made personal meetings and business possible again. The hygiene measures, such as maintaining a safe distance and wearing a mouth and nose cover, were implemented perfectly and were also very well accepted by the visitors.”

Piovese Fashion

“It was a very good feeling to participate in a trade fair again and to see our customers in person. Fabrics are tactile products that cannot be completely replaced by digital meetings – therefore we are very grateful for the organization of the fair. We always felt super safe with all the clear hygiene measures. In general, the organizers have really done an excellent job, so that FABRIC DAYS can be seen as an example for other fairs.”

Fusion CPH



The foyer of Hall 4 of the MOC was dedicated to innovative approaches. The proven ReSource Area informed interested visitors about the wide range of sustainable fabrics and additionals. Right next to ReSource, SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS curator Simon Angel presented futuristic projects: “From Trash to Treasure” by Youyang Song, “Living Materials” by Iris Bekkers, “Solar Self” by Pauline van Dongen and “Perfect Imperfection” by Studio Mend.



With the hygiene and safety measures implemented at FABRIC DAYS, we have created a good basis for planning the upcoming trade fairs. Building on this, our team is now looking ahead and starting with the planning for the next fairs:



Spring.Summer 22

8 & 9 December 2020



Spring.Summer 22

26 – 28 January 2021

We are looking forward to your next visit in Munich!

MUNICH FABRIC START – A Paradigm Shift Towards Holistic Sustainability

A new level of sustainability, digitalisation, transparency, a growing need for information and the desire to inspire
– that’s what the Spring.Summer 21 season stands for.

The awareness of a new ecology has become one of the strongest social movements. It challenges us to rethink, to take responsibility, to create transparency and to enter into an intensive dialogue.

The MUNICH FABRIC START with BLUEZONE, KEYHOUSE and the individual showcases presented by around 1,000 international suppliers of fabrics and additionals will introduce the Spring.Summer 21 season from 4 – 6 February in Munich. Approximately 20,000 trade visitors will have access to an extensive range of fabrics, additionals, designs, manufacturing services, supported by an informative and inspiring events programme.

The Spring.Summer 21 season is characterised by dynamism, waves and radiance – the guiding theme THRIVABILITY brings enthusiasm, creates excitement, let’s blossom and flourish. THRIVABILITY deconstructs our understanding of fashion and embeds a new, positive way of thinking: aesthetics and people see eye to eye; resources and nature are respected. This creates a new understanding of holistic sustainability and future-oriented entrepreneurial spirit. Spring.Summer 21 answers current market needs and reflects an evolved understanding of values. Knowledge, transparency, quality, responsibility and communication influence the current showcase of innovative product and processes on offer. THRIVABILITY combines the essence of this new era with a classic definition of trends and cultivates an inspiring and progressive direction for materials, fashion and design.


ASK THE EXPERT – Communication islands with THRIVABILITY experts.
Taking into account the focus on sustainability and innovation driven by THRIVABILITY, a new information concept will be integrated into the Trend Forum at the upcoming MUNICH FABRIC START. At various communication islands in the foyer of the MOC, industry experts will provide impulses and answers to current questions, from the origins of the material to exploring the diverse range of production processes and end garment recycling. Through direct discussions, you will gain valuable know-how, insights into topics and current solutions for both sustainable and innovative processes along the value chain:


In addition, MUNICH FABRIC START has implemented a newly developed icon guidance system which in the spirit of transparency, identifies the sustainable and technical aspects of all the material highlights presented in the Trend Forums. In this way, visitors can establish these respective and previously hidden properties of textiles and ingredients at a single glance.

AWARENESS AS A DRIVER OF INNOVATION. Around 700 suppliers present their creative new developments across more than 1,000 collections – based on the latest technology innovations and the conscious and conservative use of resources. The fashionable combination of natural and innovative fibres is reflected in numerous new textile qualities including: luminous surfaces, wet gloss looks, soft glazes, colour gradients, transparent qualities, abstract patterns and relief elements. This season, MUNICH FABRIC START once again unites textile producers with a huge range of state-of-the-art fabrics, presenting not only essentials such as cotton, viscose, wool, elastane, lace and linen, but also novelties such as super-stretch silk, recycled polyester, Ecovero-Tencel linen, Naia and Cupro fibre blends or hemp textiles.

TRIMS FOR FUTURE – this is the global motto which represents approximately 200 of the world’s leading international ADDITIONALS suppliers. Fashionable new developments revolve around iridescent surfaces, glowing yarns and electrifying colour applications. The focus is on recycled and sustainably produced products in natural colours. ITL Group will not only show its comprehensive range of products for the first time, but will also launch its C.A.R.E. Collection (Conscious, Affordable, Responsible, Eco-friendly labels) during the upcoming trade fair. Clic sums up these developments: “We have focused on realistic and organic articles that preserve nature both in form and texture”.

In a comprehensive forum, the ReSOURCE Area categorises and presents around 800 sustainably produced articles by exhibiting fabrics and additionals producers. “With our ground breaking DryIndigo® technology it is now possible to produce denim with 0% water consumption”, Tejidos Royo describes its latest milestone. Bornemann Etiketten sees the biggest challenge in balancing creativity, sustainability and efficiency, while Dutel focuses on timeless and durable top quality. Lanificio Roma pursues resource saving process solutions with the aim of wasting less and reusing production and consumption waste as new resources.

Natural colours based on sustainable dyeing techniques now determines the colour palettes of the inspiring designs at the internationally renowned, textile designers and trend offices in the DESIGN STUDIOS. The current change in the textile industry is leading to a revolution in the printing and dyeing industry and inspires a revival of natural dyes. Design Union and Primus Pattern also emphasize the simultaneous closeness to nature and diversity of textile prints for Spring.Summer 21.

Ready-made solutions are becoming more and more important and the interest in sourcing providers close to the market is also growing with a focus is on speed and a reduction in complexity. As globally established manufacturing companies in the SOURCING Area, numerous high-quality newcomers such as Easy Invest Solutions or Union 3 Fashion offer comprehensive insights into the entire textile production chain and its reliable procurement management. For Spring.Summer 21, Cascade Enterprises takes its inspiration from nature and returns to the basics in prints, fabrics and silhouettes. Sourcing specialist Fateks Kumas Tekstil offers and processes fabrics made from recycled PET bottles, also to conserve resources.

As the think tank for innovation, KEYHOUSE provides insights into future fabrics, new technologies, smart products & processes, sustainable innovations and alternative material resources, offering and inspiring pioneering concepts. For more information click here.

With over 100 major international brands, BLUEZONE has positioned itself as the initiator of an extraordinary, strong and innovative denim community. The answer to a conscious consumer approach and a growing interest in ready-made solutions that offer revolutionary products, state-of-the-art technological processes and complex functionalities. For more information click here.


At the upcoming MUNICH FABRIC START, there will be a premium event programme featuring impressive panel discussions, polarising keynotes and trend seminars by international experts. The KEYHOUSE in Hall 5 will feature exciting lectures on the various subjects of innovation. The diverse events on offer in the BLUEZONE area of Hall 7 will provide an in-depth insight into the developments in the denim industry, while the ReSOURCE Forum in K3 in the MOC will offer an equally relevant programme on the topics of sustainability, certification and quality seals.

David Shah about „The 10 Design Pillars” – Tuesday, 4 Feb 2020, 10.30am – 12pm
The trend forecaster and publisher of Textile View will deliver the keynote “The 10 Design Pillars”. David Shah presents new perspectives on design influences from Slowbilisation to Hopepunk, from Biophilia to Datascapes.

Fashion Revolution – Tuesday, 4 Feb 2020, 12pm – 1pm
Ariane Piper gives an insight into Fashion Revolution – how the campaign will revolutionize the fashion industry. The viral campaign “Who made my clothes” will once again feature in the trend forums as an installation for transparency in the fashion industry.

Expert panel about „Future of the Textile Value Chain” – Tuesday, 4 Feb 2020, 2pm – 3.30pm
The panel discussion with expert participants on the subject of “Future of the Textile Value Chain” will be moderated by Jana Kern and Alex Vogt from KERN Consulting. The five international experts, including Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart, Hans H. Jung, David Shah, Jan Wilmking and Lauren Zahringer, will discuss the disruption and transformation through sustainability and networking in the textile value chain.

Rivet 50‘s 2020 Vision – Tuesday, 4 Feb 2020, 3pm – 4pm
What will the new decade bring for the denim industry and community? Rivet 50 will lead a discussion between some of the world’s most influential denim characters to discuss their predictions for business, technology and fashion.

Exclusive Trend Seminar by Li Edelkoort – Tuesday, 4 Feb 2020, 4pm – 6.30pm
Arguably the most famous trend forecaster of our time holds an exclusive trend seminar. In an impressive presentation, GREEN WAVE – the Fashion Trends for Spring.Summer 21, as GREEN BOOK – the Recreationwear Trends for Spring.Summer 21, as well as STILLNESS – a Full Colour Forecast for Autumn.Winter 21/22.

„Fashion Activism” Panel by Muchaneta Kapfunde – Wednesday, 5 Feb 2020, 11am – 12pm
FashNerd founder Muchaneta Kapfunde brings together the experts Kresse Wesling, Styliani Parascha, Marta Waydel and Marina Toeters as part of the panel discussion “Fashion Activism: Creating the Fashion of the Future.”

Hessnatur Stiftung about „The way to the green button“ – Wednesday, 05 Feb 2020, 11am – 12pm
Rolf Heimann, CEO of the Hessnatur Foundation, Institute for Applied Sustainability, explores in a lecture the question “How do I prepare my company for certification?”.

„How automation will change the fashion industry” – Wednesday, 5 Feb 2020, 2pm – 3pm
The five experts in technology, David Schmelzeisen, Ralf Schneider, Dr. Thomas Fischer, Jon Zornow and Sabine Kühnl will discuss “Don’t be afraid of robots – how automation will change the fashion industry” in a panel discussion. Automation, digitalisation and localisation are the trends that are reshaping the global fashion market. Is the fashion industry ready to adapt to new standards? What consequences does this have for the current procurement structure, also in terms of social responsibility?

“The data behind today’s winning marketing strategies” – Wednesday, 5 Feb 2020, 5pm – 6pm
Gina Gulberti, VP Digital Marketing at Launchmetrics, explains in her keynote “The data behind today’s winning marketing strategies”.

All dates and the complete events programme can be found here.

04 February 2020 | 9.30am – 6.30pm
05 February 2020 | 9.30am – 6.30pm
06 February 2020 | 9.30am – 4.00pm

04 February 2020 | 9.30am – 6.30pm
05 February 2020 | 9.30am – 6.30pm

KEYHOUSE – A Strong Network of Creative Minds

Progress and new levels of sustainability. Combining hand-made and digitalisation. The future of the textile and fashion industry is complex and challenging. The demand for greater transparency and information, for innovative solutions, new mindsets and forms of production is all the more loud and urgent.

KEYHOUSE, as the think tank of MUNICH FABRIC START, offers concrete approaches towards a visionary textile and fashion industry, providing answers, inviting discussions and interaction, showcasing new directions and definitions of innovation. In this way, an inspiring network of unique partnerships and collaborations with ambitious projects has been established.

At KEYHOUSE, everything revolves around innovation – be it the luminous jacket from MUSGO TECH, 3D printing and 3D knitting from Cocccon, the solution for a digitally networked supply chain from Lectra, or the Nebudye dyeing process using the Officina +39 nebulization system. Numerous innovative suppliers will showcase their trend defining developments for the first time at KEYHOUSE, including CLO Virtual Fashion with 3D visualisation of garments, Circular Fashion with workshops and software tools for innovative recycling management, and Recover providing accurate colour in upcycled yarns.

“Fashion must take a holistic hybrid approach in order to establish sustainable innovations in the apparel industry as a permanent feature.
These sustainability initiatives can be implemented by integrating new technologies with a high degree of design, disruption and integration.”

Muchaneta Kapfunde, Founding Editor-in-Chief FashNerd.com


THE NUTURE ROOM WITH PAULINE VAN DONGEN. With The Nurture Room“, Pauline van Dongen creates a space for meeting and inviting exchange among like-minded people who share the desire to redefine the fashion industry. The organised shared research sessions on topics such as workwear, outdoor clothing or casual wear etc. are led by fashion tech experts and show how technology can be sensibly embedded in clothing. Workshops will inspire participants to expand their know-how and connect companies along the entire value chain so that they can follow up with concrete action. Please find an overview of all workshops sessions here.

Due to the limited number of participants in the free workshops, we kindly ask you to register by sending an email to Chantal Gräff at cgr@munichfabricstart.com.

RE-FREAM PROJECT BY CARMINA FERRI. With her project Re-FREAM, Carmina Ferri, founder and CEO of Care Applications, wants to bring together designers and researchers to jointly develop innovative fashion concepts. Designers are invited to submit their proposals for ‘3D Manufacturing’, ‘Electronic & Textiles’ and ‘From Linear to Sustainable Circular Systems’. The winning innovative art concepts will then be developed in the three corresponding research centres.

The SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS Forum combines poetry and problem solving. It will showcase inspiring developments and establish new perspectives on the world of textiles: from extraordinary innovations, new material resources and the combination of the traditional and modern to captivating and thought provoking installations. Discover the following innovations:

  • Karin Vlug und Bas Froon see the future of fashion in regional fashion production that is made to measure, on request and using digital technologies.
  • CONSUMPTION OF HERITAGE. Sun Lee questions the values of consumers and producers and thus those of the conventional fashion system.
  • PRINTING WITH LIGHT. Madeleine Marquardt combines new technologies with Cynatopie, one of the first photographic printing processes, thus opening up new possibilities for modern textile design.
  • SEAMLINE PROJECT. Gu Qiong emphasizes the object character of clothing by highlighting seams in brightly coloured yarns.
  • SISAL, MORE THAN A ROPE. Isabella Monaco uses sisal for clothing and is experimenting with hydrogen peroxide and sodium carbonate to make the natural fibre softer while maintaining its robustness.
  • RINSE OFF. Caterina Tioli uses the properties of potato starch to stabilize unspun wool for processing.
  • CT DAIRY. Gal Yakobvitch develops a water-repellent coating for textiles based from milk protein. The result is a sustainable unisex workwear made of vegetable-dyed second-hand T-shirts.
  • FOREIGN FORAGING. Jeanette Lili Weiss poetically addresses the complex problem of scarcity and abundance in times of climate change.

Gal Yakobovitch
Madeleine Marquardt
Caterina Tioli
Gu Qiong

“Our goal is to take a look at the possible future with these 8 selected Sustainable Innovations, so that the industry and its professionals can reach the next level. It is an ongoing dialogue. We are a community that is growing and connecting, sharing visions and ideas – it’s a very inspiring atmosphere”.

Simon Angel, Curator Sustainable Innovations MUNICH FABRIC START


KEYHOUSE also offers a comprehensive and exclusive event programme. This includes trend seminars, exclusive workshops, keynotes and round tables. You can find the complete event program here.

Exklusive Trend Seminar by Li Edelkoort – Tuesday, 4 Feb 2020, 4pm – 6.30pm
Arguably the most famous trend forecaster of our time holds an exclusive trend seminar. In an impressive presentation, GREEN WAVE – the Fashion Trends for Spring.Summer 21, as GREEN BOOK – the Recreationwear Trends for Spring.Summer 21, as well as STILLNESS – a Full Colour Forecast for Autumn.Winter 21/22.

David Shah about „The 10 Design Pillars” – Tuesday, 4 Feb 2020, 10.30am – 12pm
The trend forecaster and publisher of Textile View will deliver the keynote “The 10 Design Pillars”. David Shah presents new perspectives on design influences from Slowbilisation to Hopepunk, from Biophilia to Datascapes.

„Fashion Activism” Panel by Muchaneta Kapfunde – Wednesday, 5 Feb 2020, 11am – 12pm
FashNerd founder Muchaneta Kapfunde brings together the experts Kresse Wesling, Styliani Parascha, Marta Waydel and Marina Toeters as part of the panel discussion “Fashion Activism: Creating the Fashion of the Future.”

“United Nations SDG’s Agenda 2030: Challenges & Opportunities for the textile industry” – Wednesday, 05 Feb 2020, 1pm – 2pm
In 2015, the UNGC formulated 17 goals for the sustainable development of our planet and on this basis the “Agenda 2030” of the United Nations was created. Daniel Pinto, Business Director of Scoop, will refer in his presentation to the challenges and opportunities for the textile industry and explain how existing technologies and innovations in the industry can be used to achieve the set goals.

„How automation will change the fashion industry” – Wednesday, 5 Feb 2020, 2pm – 3pm
Five experts in technology, David Schmelzeisen, Ralf Schneider, Dr. Thomas Fischer, Jon Zornow and Sabine Kühnl will discuss “Don’t be afraid of robots – how automation will change the fashion industry” in a panel discussion. Automation, digitalisation and localisation are the trends that are reshaping the global fashion market. Is the fashion industry ready to adapt to new standards? What consequences does this have for the current procurement structure, also in terms of social responsibility?

“The data behind today’s winning marketing strategies” – Wednesday, 5 Feb 2020, 5pm – 6pm
Gina Gulberti, VP Digital Marketing at Launchmetrics, explains in her keynote “The data behind today’s winning marketing strategies”.

All dates and the complete lecture programme can be found here.

04 February 2020 | 9.30am – 6.30pm
05 February 2020 | 9.30am – 6.30pm
06 February 2020 | 9.30am – 4.00pm

04 February 2020 | 9.30am – 6.30pm
05 February 2020 | 9.30am – 6.30pm


Discover a selection of the latest suppliers and manufacturers to join the presentation of Fabrics, Additionals, Design Studios, Denim and Sourcing to showcase their collections for Spring.Summer 2021 in Munich. Register to attend now.

Forza Tekstil takes the expectations of their business partners to the next level by offering flexibility in production and perfect quality. The Turkish company is specialized in printed and plain fabrics, like viscose, viscose mixtures, cotton, linen, polyester and Tencel fabrics while adhering to the principles of productivity, sustainability and environmentally friendly production.

Section 2 | Stand F 208

Shanghai Saite Silk was founded in 2004 as an incorporated company within the formation of the state-owned Shandong ZiBo No.2 silk weaving factory. We commit ourselves to designing, producing and selling women’s fabrics in the fields of silk, viscose and polyester.

Artrium 3 | Stand C 112

Telater creates with its long-lasting experiences and knowledge of raw materials and production techniques exclusive collections of fabrics and fashion with high quality. We are continuously evolving, visiting national and international fairs and catwalks in order to offer fabrics and designs aligned with the latest tendencies in the industry.

Hall 3 | Stand B 04

T-Style unites more than 1500 employees who work successfully every day on the development, production and improvement of high-quality knitwear made of cotton, viscose, polyester yarns and their blends. The company produces more than 20 tons of fabric per day – such as single jersey, pile fabrics, plush, interlock, ribbed textiles or fleece.

Section 2 | Stand E 224

Universal Textile produces underwear, outerwear, home textiles and upholstery fabrics since 1998. With a fabric production capacity of up to 60 tons per day, we offer outstanding services to brands from all over the world. We produce our fabrics in our own facilities in accordance with internationally recognized quality standards.

Section 2 | Stand E 221

Having entered the zipper sector in 1988, ECE Zipper has been running at its modern plant with 20.000 m2 closed site and its qualified staff in Avcilar Firuzköy, Turkey. ECE Zipper is an integrated establishment with its narrow weaving unit, modern dye-house, casting-house where special pullers are designed and produced with advanced technology machinery.

Hall 1 | Stand E19

Elements Printing and Packaging

With over 12 years of experience in the trims and packaging industry supplying high quality products to a vast variety of domestic and international brands, we as Elements Printing and Packaging strive to give the best service to our customers. By remaining responsive to our customers’ needs and expectations, we are able to continuously adapt our business.

Hall 1 | Stand B15

Harmanci Label, as one of the leading label manufacturers in Turkey, serves to the biggest worldwide brands since 1931. Harmanci follows the needs of the sector as well as the fashion trends by producing woven, printed, screen printed and heat transfer labels and narrow woven ribbon in modern and environmental-responsible premises.

Hall 1 | Stand A 20

ITL is a global provider of Apparel Label Solutions supporting brands, retailers and manufacturers globally with a comprehensive range of products and services aimed at optimising brand identity and supply chain performance. Launching at Munich Fabric Start is their C.A.R.E Collection: a range of Conscious, Affordable, Responsible and Eco- Friendly labels that never compromise on quality or aesthetics.

Hall 2 | Stand A 19

Linx Europe

Linx EU Newly developed collection made of recycled materials: outer fabrics, linings, trimmings. The focus is on sustainability and function alike. Mechanical functionality paired with innovative sustainable finishing variants. The fusion of fashion and function without limitation of hand feel and colour!

Hall 2 | Stand A 12

Sun Etiket is one of Turkey’s leading label and package design and -production companies providing services to national and international brands. Sun Etiket specialises in creating highly advanced, experiential labels and packaging since 1986. With over 150 experts in our team, we constantly focus on every brand’s uniqueness and strive to make the brand experience even more inspiring.

Hall 1 | Stand C 12

For over a decade, Denim Masters have worked in partnership with a variety of fashion brands as their denim apparel manufacturer of choice. Utilizing long-lasting tailoring expertise and traditional construction methods, our tailors and seamstresses create handmade garments of top quality at highly competitive prices.

Hall 7 | Stand B 06

Borkro Textile Wash LTD with its long-time experience in the textile industry, organizes and manages textile production in Bulgaria offering a complete range of women’s and men’s denim products, starting from pattern development to prototypes and from collections to bulk production. Furthermore, they are able to offer an extended variety of wash procedures and techniques which establishes them as one of the leading manufacturing companies specialized in denim garments. Their major goal is to offer fast and effective service, competitive prices, high standards, constant quality and high flexibility.

Hall 7 | Stand c 07

Stylers International

With a patented machine design and dyeing process, Island Denim can dye all the cellulosic fibres and blends in the desired yarn count (1 Ne – 200 Ne). By doing so, Island Denim gives stamina to many manufacturers of woven and knitted fabrics a great deal of freedom in the use of indigo in the design of their products.

Hall 7 | Stand c 20

Jeanci Konfeksiyon Tekstil produces mostly washed textiles on behalf of its own brand. The products are mostly denim, canvas, gabardine, satin and poplin. Besides, the company executes the finishing of woven fabric and textile by washing, dyeing in piece and other added values for final products. Jeanci has been manufacturing on behalf of prestigious brands in Europe for the last 23 years.

Hall 7 | Stand A 18

Stylers Group creates advantages for denim brands through strengths in sourcing, speed, stitching expertise and service, when it’s time for your jeans to take a step ahead – in fashion, sustainability and profitability.

Hall 7 | Stand B 03

Design Union is a textile print design studio producing unique contemporary fabric designs for fashion and interiors. The constantly evolving portfolio of silk screen and digital prints includes embroideries using vintage fabrics. The digital textile designs are sold to you as Photoshop PSD files in layers.

Section 1 Design Studios | Stand E 102

Primus Pattern is a textile design studio founded by Claudia Böhm. The qualified illustrator and owner of a studio in the heart of Munich is a creative researcher and conceptual partner in finding an excellent fitting and timeless design. Claudia Böhm combines drawn botany and geometry with handmade stylistics.

Section 1 Design Studios | Stand E 105

Design Union

Care Applications works to reduce the environmental impact generated by the garment industry through new methods and devices. These developments are designed to optimize and modernize existing garment washing and dyeing machinery thus bringing improvements, savings and versatility. Within the Dye & Safe project, thanks to our advanced micro-nebulization metering device called ECOFinish together with our technical experience, we have been able to produce a traditional garment dye with exceptional penetration and evenness while using a minimum amount of water and greatly reducing the environmental impact. Care Applications offers this garment dyed with an even and penetrated standard dyeing process through the ECOFinish nebulization system saving 60% of water, 80% of energy and 99% of salt.

Hall 5 | Booth 23

A circular fashion industry is a regenerative system in which garments are able to circulate with maximum value retained for as long as possible before being able to re-enter the system through reuse or recycling. Therefore, we provide state of the art research, expertise and practical assets through workshops and software tools that help your brand transition towards circular practices.

Hall 5 | Booth 38

CLO Virtual Fashion creates cutting-edge 3D garment visualization technologies that cultivate a more creative and sustainable landscape for the fashion industry. CLO’s robust simulation engine allows you to create styles with countless layers and intricate details, which consistently solve glaring obstacles in your product life cycle.

Hall 5 | Booth 32

Recover works on the development of a closed-loop industry by offering brand, retail and factory partners a closed-loop solution for end-of-life waste management. The open-end spinner working for 7 decades with recycled cotton fibres is using textile waste as raw material to create new premium upcycled yarns. The Spanish company combines two resource and energy efficient processes – fibre upcycling and colour blend – to create new dye free upcycled fibres with accurate colours without using water or chemicals.

Hall 5 | Booth 15

A circular fashion industry is a regenerative system in which garments are able to circulate with maximum value retained for as long as possible before being able to re-enter the system through reuse or recycling. Therefore, we provide state of the art research, expertise and practical assets through workshops and software tools that help your brand transition towards circular practices.

Hall 5 | Booth 33

Cascade Enterprises is a cost effective, fully integrated, design-to-manufacture solutions service provider. The company offers ready-to-wear apparel to renowned retail and e-commerce fashion brands globally. We sample, source, plan, monitor and facilitate timely deliveries of high-quality goods that are ethically sourced.

Atrium 3 Sourcing | Stand D 110

Dragon Group Limited is an export-oriented company founded in 2001 and specialized in the development, manufacturing and distribution of fashion accessories. The company owns two factories for gloves production and at the same time has created partnerships with over 30 manufacturers of fashion accessories specialized in hats and scarves production.

Atrium 3 Sourcing | Stand D 108

Raith Textiles is a factory with GOTS and Oeko Tex certificate, producing baby- and children wear as well as women night wear for private labels.

Atrium 3 Sourcing | Stand D 104

Easy Invest Solutions is a manufacturer and exporter of high-quality men’s and women’s blouses with 20 years of experience. We supply both CMT as well as full product services, having among our suppliers the best of Italian, European and worldwide fabric producers. The company uses modern machinery and an automatic cutting system from Lectra. Prototype and sampling services are available as well as pattern creation and alteration and washing facilities for garment treatments.

Atrium 3 Sourcing | Stand D 110

For 30 years now, Union 3 Fashion is a leader in women’s fashion, designing and manufacturing ready-to-wear garments. We are one of the largest export production units in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, exporting our products to many well-known clothing companies across Europe. Excellent customer service, competitive prices, best quality standards, quick production lead time, reliability and punctuality are among our main objectives.

Atrium 3 Sourcing | Stand D 105

Ipeker Innovates with 100% Vegan Collection

Steadfast in their commitment to vegan and sustainable production, the V-Labeled Fabric producer İpeker will launch their latest collection of 100% vegan cupro fabrics at MUNICH FABRIC START on February 4-6 2020.

In 2017, İpeker successfully united tradition and animal welfare to become the world’s first fabric producer to bear the European Vegetarian Union Label (EVU), ensuring over 150 fabrics are 100% V-Labeled Vegan fabrics. The fully integrated vertical mill specialises in the production of sustainable, innovative prints and classic collections with a vast range of products including cupro, viscose, acetate, linen, cotton, tencel, polyamide and recycled polyester fabrics, available with or without lycra blends.

Focused on innovation and sustainable materials, the Vegan Cupro Collection launching Spring.Summer 21 has been given a new direction. European flax certified linen mixtures offer new textures, extended qualities and designs in linen burn-outs. New florals, jungle motifs and the simplified aesthetic of geometrics accent the collection. Modern lines shape the fashion look with elegance together with the latest textures and seasonal colours well-blended throughout the print collection.

What can our visitors discover about your production processes?
The company has developed a vegan textile process (VTP) production system to create its biodegradable vegan cupro with reduced environmental impact. Our Eco-Corrosion technique is a key element to ensure the longer lifespan of fashion garments. Rose Finishing is a new patented fibrillation process which is used for Vegan Cupro, by using such processes, compared to our competitors with similar products, we reduce 31.8 % water (20.533 tons per year), and 60.2 % prevent in energy (300.000 kwH per year).

What is your biggest focus in terms of Research and Development?
At İpeker, the sustainability and innovation teams work together to develop the latest technologies and fabrics. Right now, we are focused on developing a fashion collection which is 100% vegan as well as sustainable.

What role does trend forecasting play in your design and development processes?
İpeker focuses on fashion trends at a global level but must also consider the individual fashion needs of different counties as well. Our offices in Como, Italy and Augsburg, Germany play a vital role throughout the creative process. We have local designers who apply their regional creativity to our local fashion approach. With another 10 designers who work to develop the main collection taking a more global fashion approach. World famous design studios from London, Como, Paris and trend studios like Nelly Rodi and Peclers Paris play an important part in our design and colour direction. İpeker then applies its own hand writing through innovative print techniques to coordinate a global fashion statement.

Visit İpeker at MUNICH FABRIC START on February 4-6 2020 in Munich, Section 1, Stand F109

New Icon Guidance System to increase Transparency

Answering to the theme of innovation driven by THRIVABILITY, MUNICH FABRIC START has developed a new icon guidance system with which all material highlights presented in the trend forums are marked according to their sustainable as well as technical functions. In this way, trade fair visitors can quickly and clearly see what additional product features and functions the shown fabrics and ingredients have.

Each of the 44 icons indicates a specific characteristic related to the sustainability or performance of the respective product. With the help of these icons, manufacturers can highlight the added value of their products and at the same time make it easier for interested buyers to navigate through the increasingly vast range of products on offer.


“With our new icon guidance system, we are highlighting the interface between contemporary aesthetics and invisible but important advanced product features. In doing so, we see MUNICH FABRIC START neither as a certification body nor an audit agency – for the given classification, we rely on the information and honesty of the respective supplier of the corresponding samples. We are thus taking an important step towards information, transparency and responsible action in the interest of the industry.

Jo Baumgartner, Fabrics & Trends MUNICH FABRIC START


In this sense, all specific properties such as eco-labels, social standards, performance indicators, limit values, chemical ingredients, etc. must be verified again with the respective provider. In the trend forums at MUNICH FABRIC START, you will find the icon legend with the corresponding explanations and meanings behind all of the icons.

Spring.Summer 21 Fabric News at VIEW

As in the recent past, the range of collections offered by printers, knitters, weavers and denim specialists is already clearly defined in many areas. In exchange with designers and product managers and taking into account current trends, the range will be extended and adapted accordingly until MUNICH FABRIC START, 4th – 6th February 2020.

It is already apparent that the range of colours is moving in the direction of brown, cognac and terracotta; that black and white combinations are becoming important; that red with a slight orange hue is gaining significance and blue in various shades is increasingly in demand.

 ‘Right at the beginning of the first day, we served numerous visitors from Germany and Austria. At the moment, we are already presenting up to 80 percent of the new collection. In the weeks after Christmas we will add an additional Capsule collection. There is great interest in sustainable articles. We will be developing further qualities for this in time for the main trade fair.‘

Ted Styliandis of Liberty London.

Florals and newly interpreted batiks continue to dominate the prints as striking all-overs. Digitally applied kaleidoscopic interpretations are just as convincing as large format graphics and panneaux prints. Structured effects and crepe yarns are important, even in plain colours. Linen is widely accepted in various interpretations. From irregular plain colours to woven stripes, checks and jacquards. The trend towards cotton and cotton blends in combination with Tencel is strong once again. In contrast to this are articles with a technical finish – now even extending into the classically oriented women’s and menswear.
The demand for comfortable textiles with some part stretch is also increasing among high-fashion producers or even couture suppliers.

 ‘This edition of VIEW was a very successful premiere for us. We will be back again in summer for the next VIEW event. The response to our wide range of print collections was pleasingly positive. In discussions with numerous customers, we received a lot of input about the future development of our collection in time for MUNICH FABRIC START.‘

Yesim Sezer, Ipeker

Many of the collections presented at VIEW will now be further revised in the coming weeks and presented at the MUNICH FABRIC START February 4th-6th 2020, at which a total of around 1,000 suppliers will present their Spring.Summer collections.

New Entry at VIEW: Barth Seiden Silk Specialists

We are delighted to welcome, Barth & Könenkamp Seiden as a new exhibitor to VIEW Premium Selection as one of ten newcomers set to showcase their latest developments and new collections for Spring.Summer 2021.

Founded in 1954, the Bremen based silk specialists Barth & Könenkamp Seiden was founded and revived from a heritage dating back over 130 years to 1885.

Exclusively engaged in the import and export of pure silk qualities and a few mixed fabrics mostly from China and India. As a specialist in the field of silk fabrics and because of regular visits in the manufacturing countries they are able to ensure the import of only the highest quality silks. With about 125 different silk qualities in more than 2000 colors, their range is the most exclusive in the whole of Europe. The majority of qualities are available immediately.

What can visitors look forward to from your new range?
Of course Crepe de Chine Stretch, but as well Satin Organza is one of the new products in our range. What’s more we have recently extended the colour range available for Satin Stretch.

Tell us a little about the design, development or creative processes at Barth Seiden?
Years of established business relationships in the international fashion industry allows us to recognize any trend and to be an important part in the future development of fashion. We respond exclusively to customer needs and have many years of experience in the field of “value addition” – for example embroidery and other applications.

Based on your own experience, what makes a new partnership successful?
As a company built on values like responsibility, loyalty and openness, these same attributes are the base of any new and successful business connection.

Is there something about your business which you pride yourselves on?
Nearly every article which is not in stock can be ordered in a reliable and quick procedure, due to our strong manufacturer network. Also small quantities are no problem, which sets us apart from other importers worldwide.

What would be your advice to visitors who may be approaching you for the first time?
We welcome any visitor and customer. You can look forward to competent advice and our unique selection of silk qualities.  We are excited to see you in Munich!

Visit Barth & Könenkamp Seiden at VIEW on December 3-4 2019 in Munich, stand C23

Visit Barth & Könenkamp Seiden at MUNICH FABRIC START on February 4-6 2020  in Munich, section 1, stand E108

View Expands on Sustainability

From the 3rd – 4th December 2019VIEW Premium Selection will showcase the first material developments, qualities and colour tendencies for the new SPRING.SUMMER 2021 season a few weeks prior to MUNICH FABRIC START. TEXCART, TEJIDOS ROYO, LANIFICIO ROMA, DUTEL CREATION and BORNEMANN ETIKETTEN are among our exhibitors who will join the expanded presentation of sustainable fabrics and accessories showcased at VIEW:

Texcart|Stand A28

What does it mean to your company to take more responsibility in terms of micro plastic and overconsumption?

TEXCART: It has been our focus for the last 5 years, starting with the materials we use on a daily basis; boxes, envelopes, general use paper, collection boards, stickers, where possible these are made in recycled paper and recycled material. In terms of over consumption, we care about enacting change and so we typically produce our articles on demand to reduce leftovers.

TEJIDOS ROYO: With the pioneering DryIndigo® technology developed by Spanish manufacturer Tejidos Royo, it is now possible to use 0% water in the denim production process. This is a real milestone in the textile industry. It also reduces energy consumption by 65% during manufacture, uses 89% less chemical products, and completely eliminates waste water discharge. As a result of implementing DryIndigo® technology in 2019, Tejidos Royo has saved more than 1 million litres of water used in denim dyeing. The economic contribution from the first million litters saved has been donated to UNICEF for its water and sanitation programmes which improve the lives of thousands of children around the world.

DUTEL: For the last 2 years, Dutel has been developing a sustainable range called ‘PURE’ which uses recycled polyester warp and organic cotton weft yarns. We plan to swap all our polyester warps into recycled ones. The challenge is to make an entirely sustainable collection and to source the serious reliable suppliers with traceability. For years we have collected and recycled any waste in our factory. As well, a new air conditioning system has considerably reduced our electricity consumption.

BORNEMANN: Besides providing sustainable labelling solutions for our customers, we aim to optimize our internal processes as well. By digitalizing our documentation, working on rapid prototyping and investing an increasing amount of time and effort in digital sampling we are reducing input of resources on various levels.

Bornemann-Etiketten|Stand A29

Tell us about the latest collection you are exhibiting at VIEW?

TEXCART: Our collection, as usual, will be complex and composed of several articles produced in a variety of materials, techniques and designs. We have prepared different themes which follow the tendencies but also in sustainable and recycled materials and as always we will feature a range of denim accessories. We are continuously updated in terms of tendencies, new techniques and materials, especially in sustainable and eco-friendly news through our large network of professional partners.

LANIFICIO ROMA: At Lanificio Roma we are sensitive to the use of recycled yarns, many fabrics of the latest collection are eco-sustainable. The qualities in our eco-cotton and viscose ECOVERO are made with sustainable yarns.

DUTEL: Summer 2021 by this jacquard specialist makes the most of shiny effects on vibrant, crunchy surfaces. Taffeta and voile grounds are enriched with transparent shines with a cellophane crunch. The colour palette is built on whites and pearly whites. Surfaces are covered with iridescent yarns to create hairy effects. Lightweight, cotton-like jacquards are lit up with a pearly sheen, patterns resonate thanks to colourfully iridescent yarns. Filigree or bold florals paired with bright stripes are enhanced with a colourful gleam.

BORNEMANN: We present our latest developments for Women/Menswear Denim, Modern Casual and Workwear. The challenge of workwear lies in combining fashion and function, materials need to fulfil certain standard specifications. Among other items, we are showing several flame-retardant products, woven, printed and silicon that stand up to current norms.

Dutel Creation|Stand B09

Shop less, waste less, produce less. What are the biggest challenges for you to continue to be successful and sustainable?

TEJIDOS ROYO: In the textile industry, we need to rework our processes to become a much more sustainable industry. DryIndigo is a major milestone in this area, and we hope that it inspires both the sector and the brands to develop more technologies that contribute to making our industry a much more responsible one towards our surroundings. We are facing the sustainable denim revolution and, with One Million Liters, we want everyone to take part in it so that, together, we can meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals before 2030.

LANIFICIO ROMA: We produce recycled raw material fabrics to offer significant benefits to our planet. We have created a new product with reduced water consumption, in order to fight the effects of the increase in pollution and excessive consumption. Our aim is to waste less and re-use production and consumer waste as new resources.

DUTEL: Our target is to offer top quality which is lasting over the years, especially for our ‘ALLURE‘ range which offer timeless, subtle textures and enlarges our offer for different customers types such as accessories, scarves, shoes, hats, but also kidswear. Produce less? No! To guarantee our business’ survival, we cannot produce less, but more instead offer more variety. Not to produce less, but produce better!

BORNEMANN: Balancing creativity, sustainability and efficiency seems to be the biggest challenge. In our day to day, this means we have to cooperate closely with our customers to understand their priorities. And, in the long run, work towards a situation where none of the three aspects are in conflict with each other. Digitalisation has a big impact on this, so mastering the challenges of digitalisation is our priority as a company.

Lanificio Roma, Agentur Hornung|Stand C19

Strong Themes, Progressive Formats & New Areas

MUNICH FABRIC START with BLUEZONE, KEYHOUSE and the individual presentations of over 1,000 international suppliers of fabrics and additionals once again sets new standards in concept forecasting. The current format has been expanded, complemented and deepened in terms of both quality and quantity. On September 3-5 2019, a broad spectrum of fabrics, additionals, prints or denim, manufacturing services and a supporting programme will be on offer to the 20,000 trade visitors expected in Munich, offering unprecedented dimensions of information and inspiration.

‘Over the last few years we have successively expanded the exhibition space. We have supplemented BLUEZONE with the CATALYZER, the KEYHOUSE is successfully established as a think tank and now, we will relaunch the ever essential area of SOURCING. With this evolved structure we are focused on the strategic approach of showcasing new fields of inspiration in a unique, exclusive and appropriate setting. We look forward to presenting three trade fair days with an unparalleled range of products and topics, offering the industry many new products, innovative process solutions and cutting-edge material resources.’
Sebastian Klinder, Managing Director MUNICH FABRIC START


  • Trend Presentations take on a brand new form in the MOC.
  • – The ReSOURCE Area in front of Hall 4, Area K4, has once again been extended and establishes itself as the centre for sustainable fabrics and additionals with proven expertise and know-how.
  • – A special opening will be the SOURCING Area in the newly opened Hall 8, directly opposite the MOC.
  • – The KEYHOUSE, as a think tank of MUNICH FABRIC START, spans the fashion spectrum from technology to sustainability, from digitalisation to new material resources and manufacturing processes, offering a wealth of cutting-edge research projects, inspiring collaborations and high-tech product and process developments.
  • – Future-oriented: the new SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS Forum at KEYHOUSE, curated by Simon Angel.
  • – The ALL RELATED COLLAB PROJECT by BLUEZONE is an innovative concept for future collaborations and network cooperation.
  • The HighTex Award will be presented for the 7th time. The MUNICH FABRIC START Innovation Prize honours outstanding initiatives and commitment in the fields of intelligent process solutions, innovative highlights, biotech, digitalisation and sustainable innovations.
  • – The start of the side event program will mark the start of the fair on Tuesday 3rd of September, SusTECHability – HOW TRENDS & TECHNOLOGY INFLUENCE SUSTAINABILITY IN FASHION with an expert panel.
  • – In the afternoon on the 3rd of September Li Edelkoort will introduce the latest shapes, textiles and colours for Autumn Winter 20/21 in an exclusive trend presentation. Providing the first glimpse of the colours for Spring Summer 21 and point to the comeback of Casual Wear with Recreation.

BEYOND AWARE – Global trend

BEYOND AWARE, the overarching trend theme for Autumn 20/21 analyses the multi-layered levels of awareness on different planes of perception – personal, global, regional, mental, rational, emotional and transcendental. It’s all about self-awareness and contemplating the status quo. BEYOND AWARE stands for a new way of thinking and rethinking that goes far beyond our previous understanding of fashion.
It’s about more than just fashion!
BEYOND AWARE calls for the observation and very responsive reaction to the changes in consumer and clothing habits – one that is dynamic, attentive and bold. Combined with the demand for change in trends as well as values, which is currently manifested in two ideological concepts. On one hand is Bold Expressions presents an individual, very enthusiastic lifestyle and fashion style. On the other hand is Forward Ethics for conscious, responsible consumption. Two very different concepts that polarise and attract attention. The affirmation of BEYOND AWARE.


Winter fabrics will feature woolly, new-twist classics, comfort and aesthetics coupled with modern casualness. Most manufacturers are now focusing their collections on sustainably produced goods and processes. Sustainability has become a natural part of the upstream stage. New consumer awareness and transparency have led to fundamental shifts. Both in fabrics as well as colours trends, not least in the styles expected. More than 800 international fabric suppliers hosted in the FABRICS areas at MUNICH FABRIC START will demonstrate the versatile and individual ways this trend can be understood and translated. Sometimes progressive, classic or sporty, sometimes masculine or with new femininity. Often with a voluminous, soft finish. But always with the greatest possible lightness.
Perfectly coordinated buttons, striking zippers, decorative rhinestone appliqués, individually designed labelling. The latest creations for buttons, ribbons, decorative stones, fasteners, lace, embroidery and labels will be presented by over 200 leading international suppliers of additionals and accessories for Autumn Winter 20/21 in the ADDITIONALS Area of MUNICH FABRIC START.

Design Studios
Inspiring print designs and creative energy are provided by the most important international textile designers and trend agencies hosted in the DESIGN STUDIOS at MUNICH FABRIC START on the firstFLOOR. Setting impulses for future prints, always in search of the special and truly unique.

The launch of the SOURCING Area in the new Hall 8 of the recently opened Business Club Munich opposite the MOC provides direct connection to MUNICH FABRIC START and BLUEZONE. Over 80 international apparel manufacturers and producers will be showcasing their services for womenswear, menswear, accessories, corporate, couture and tailored segments among others, at this independent and suitable space thus meeting the growing demand for manufacturing services.

‘The idea of this new segment is based on creating an inspiring and efficient atmosphere in a contemporary and high-quality setting. And thus also a unique environment for network communication and work. With the new SOURCING area we can now map the textile supply chain at one location in Munich.’
Frank Junker, Creative Director MUNICH FABRIC START

The exhibiting companies include established manufacturers from Portugal, Tunisia, Morocco, Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Hong Kong among others.

>> Check Brand List

Awareness of ecologically sustainable certificates and seals of quality is on the rise. With ReSOURCE, MUNICH FABRIC START has established a broad sourcing platform that provides sustainable solutions for innovative and future-oriented production processes. Supported and established by experts, the forum offers concrete solutions informing visitors about relevant developments and the latest standards through a series of seminars and lectures, in a bid to bring together potential cooperation partners. In Area K3/4 of Hall 4, ReSOURCE will be showcasing over 600 innovative articles certified and/or produced in an environmentally friendly way.

In the emerging circular economy of the future, nothing is treated as waste. What is left over from one process becomes input to another, so keeping it circualting. Refibra technology gives a second life to pre-consumer cotton waste from garment manufacturing – which would otherwise be sent to landfills or incinerated – by upcycling it into brand new cellulosic fiber materials for clothing and home products. In a special installation, Lenzing will showcase closed-loop recycling with its complete production process for TENCEL™ x REFIBRA™ at the ReSOURCE area.

Through personal discussions on site, visitors can learn key details about the respective certificates and seals directly from the responsible certification organisations and institutes. The entire portfolio of innovations shown in the ReSOURCE Area is available all year round on the new website:

>> www.resource-textiles.com