Explore these innovative projects at the Sustainable Innovations Forum in the Keyhouse in Hall 7

26. August 2024

Due to the extensive use of harmful chemicals in the fashion industry, synthetic textile dyes are a significant threat to sustainability. They contribute to water pollution as dye residues enter factory wastewater and rivers and can even lead to serious health issues for people handling them. Additionally, synthetic dyeing processes require substantial use of water and energy. Ilse Kremer, the mastermind behind “Fabulous Fungi”, addresses these issues by utilizing fungi to create sustainable textile dyes. 

“Fabulous Fungi employs fungi in order to create sustainable and safe textile dye. Fungi use biochemical processes to produce pigments, making the impact different from fossil-based heat and extraction processes.”

This approach uses no harmful chemicals and requires much less water. The fungal pigments, which form the basis of these textile dyes, are biodegradable, ensuring that any remnants in wastewater do not pollute water sources. Furthermore, they are completely safe for both the workers handling them and consumers wearing the dyed garments, eliminating associated health risks.

Fungal dyes thus offer numerous advantages over synthetic dyes and other alternatives and present a promising solution to the environmental and health challenges posed by traditional textile dyeing methods.

Fabulous Fungi employs fungi in order to create sustainable and safe textile dye. Fungi use biochemical processes to produce pigments, making the impact different from fossil-based heat and extraction processes.”

Explore FABULOUS FUNGI BY ILSE KREMER in the Sustainable Innovations Form at KEYHOUSE in Hall 7!