BIOTEXFUTURE – Innovation Incubator

feat. TransitionLab, LightLining, FungalFibers, BioTurf

Explore these innovative projects at the Sustainable Innovations Forum in the Keyhouse in Hall 7

22. August 2024

BIOTEXFUTURE is an innovation initiative funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in collaboration with RWTH Aachen University and adidas AG. It aims to transform the textile industry from petroleum-based to bio-based materials, promoting sustainability and bioeconomy. By working with industry and research partners, BIOTEXFUTURE supports the development of bio-based textiles through various projects and innovation spaces. The initiative focuses on creating sustainable raw materials, advancing biopolymer technology, and facilitating a societal shift towards eco-friendly textile solutions.

The TransitionLab, led by the Institute of Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University (ITA) in collaboration with adidas, focuses on the big picture: creating a sustainable, bio-based textile industry. This involves creating closed-loop systems where materials can be reused and recycled, reducing waste and promoting resource efficiency. One of the key goals is to enhance the environmental performance of textiles by developing bio-based materials that can be used in various applications, including technical textiles, automotive, clothing, and home textiles.


The LightLining project in collaboration with adidas aims to develop sustainable insulating textiles made entirely from aerogel fibers. At the heart of the project are cellulose aerogel textiles that, unlike traditional rigid aerogel products, are both flexible and highly insulating. These textiles combine the benefits of aerogels, such as lightweight and superior thermal insulation, with the flexibility and processability of conventional textiles. This innovative approach promises a cost-effective and scalable solution for energy-efficient applications​.


FungalFibers is another collaborative project between the ITA and adidas, aiming to develop sustainable textile solutions using fungal-derived materials. This innovative project explores the use of fungal fibers as a renewable, bio-based alternative to traditional synthetic fibers in the textile industry. Fungal fibers offer several environmental benefits, such as biodegradability and reduced reliance on fossil fuels. The project focuses on optimizing the production process of fungal fibers to ensure they meet the performance standards required for various textile applications.


BioTurf is a sustainable, next-generation artificial turf made from bio-based polymers. Traditional hybrid grass, as used in international tournaments such as the 2024 European Football Championships, combines natural and synthetic fibers which is not environmentally sustainable due to intensive maintenance and difficult disposal. BioTurf can significantly reduce CO2 emissions and water pollution since it uses biodegradable fungal pigments for coloring and requires no harmful chemicals, making it an eco-friendly and durable alternative for sports fields. Thermobonding, the new method employed for the development of BioTurf, avoids energy-intensive latex backing, making it nearly fully recyclable. BioTurf not only meets FIFA standards but also supports the circular economy by using non-food agricultural waste to foster a more sustainable future for sports infrastructure.


We are delighted to be taking part in Munich Fabric Start in September. This time, we are turning the trade fair into a real-life laboratory and invite all visitors to support us in our research activities. Newly developed products have the potential to have an immediate impact on our everyday lives – this is why people and their needs should be involved in research at an early stage.”



