New Print Design Collection by BUNTASTIC

3. September 2024

Natural resilience, gaining back power and emotional connection – welcome Autumn/Winter 2025!

At the upcoming MUNICH FABRIC START, BUNTASTIC will present their material innovations for the Autumn.Winter 25/26 season in the new Design Studios area in the rooms E 119 & F 111 on the first floor in S1 DS. 

Buntastic Design Studio has put together for us a “bowl” of fresh design ingredients for fall/winter 2025. New, innovative components in combination with comforting “dishes” serve us new, promising creations.

Natural resilience: Experiencing ourselves as part of nature and at the same time connecting deeply with our own “humanness”, creates resilience. Animal motifs reminiscent of tree bark, camouflage that transports us into moss-covered landscapes, offering a breath of fresh air, even in an office setting.

Regaining Power:  A.I. and the associated uncertainty leave us with conflicted feelings. Buntastic embraces this artificial influence by adding a “pinch” of innovation to our beloved designs to rejuvenate and empower.

Emotional Connection: In a world in which trends move ever faster, and are therefore in clear contradiction to sustainability, buntastic creates a counterbalance. Artistic intuition, which creates an emotion for the end consumer, is embedded in the zeitgeist and deliberately detached from micro-trends. “Sometimes a print is just right and becomes the next big hit – or even a trend,” says Tanja Neßler, art-director and owner.

“Experiencing ourselves as part of nature and at the same time connecting deeply with our own ‘humanness’, creates resilience.”

Join us for the upcoming season as we look forward to exploring these themes and more

with you at Buntastic Design Studio in S1 DS | E 05!