26. August 2024

At the upcoming MUNICH FABRIC START, around 600 international suppliers will present their material innovations for all apparel segments in the FABRICS Area. The complete product portfolio of fashionable woven and knitted fabrics made of wool, cotton, silk, blends and functional fibres will be presented here. For the Autumn.Winter 25/26 season, we present some new products and highlights from international producers in our FABRICS blog posts:

PER LEI by Canclini – Grandi & Rubinelli – Blue1925

“BEL VESTIRE” dress well… Two words that inspired Canclini to create the Autumn.Winter 2025/26 collections of their brands, each one respecting its own original DNA. “Il Bel Vestire”: that’s the way they meant to express themselves about a new formal way, because men want to be well-dressed again. They want to feel elegant and refined, wearing quality clothes that give them a well-groomed appearance, which not only enhances their positive perception by others, but also their self-confidence and self-awareness.

Smart-formal will replace the smart-casual as seen in recent seasons. This “new formal” will take men’s wardrobe to a more elegant and refined level, without compromising on comfort and suitability. Hence the research for new fabrics, such as Dice to provide continuity to performance fabrics that allow the shirt to be reinterpreted in a new way.

Italy – S 1 | C 114


At this point, they think of a man who becomes a “collector”, searching for a new elegance through garments and fabrics such as Ten ten and Vis mel, which, thanks to the quality of the fabrics, last longer and therefore provides more sustainability. The wardrobe becomes a true collection, thanks to the different garments and variety of fabrics that it contains.

With their collections, Canclini wants to support precisely this type of man who loves the more formal part of their Grandi & Rubinelli range, with rigorous constructions in the richest blends such as Sea Island cotton and North Sea cashmere or Alasilk silk, but who also loves the innovation of new articles that he can find in Canclini1925: more particular and sometimes experimental or provocative fabrics, up to the most iconic ones such as Melton and its varieties. Skillfull their idea of using new blends such as Tencel or Micromodal to make the feel of the fabric even more fluid and distinctive.

The same man also likes the Blue1925 collection where he can take the opportunity to have different denims: from the more formal ones to those that allow him to show innovative and renewed shirts in different weights. And eco-sustainable fabrics.

For women, Canclini offers the smart Per Lei collection. The real distinguishing feature: to be able to wear the variety of fabrics in a more original and unique way, from cottons with special finishes, to imaginative prints, to flowing silks or ultra-light flannels.

The new collections represent a new urban elegance, multi-purpose and versatile, which manages to bring together different personalities and generations. With particular attention to the past, which is always part of their DNA, with an eye towards the future. Come discover the novelties of Canclini’s collections at the KLAAS + HESSE studio at S1 | C 114.

Italy – S1 | C 114