A strong start to the season in July, order decisions at short notice in September
MUNICH FABRIC START Exhibitions GmbH offers one thing above all with the positioning of its trade show formats in terms of dates and content for sourcing for Autumn.Winter 24/25: full flexibility.
In future, the July date will be used by the international fabric trade show MUNICH FABRIC START with KEYHOUSE, THE SOURCE and BLUEZONE as an impulse generator; the September date will remain an important time for follow-ups and for picking up on new and short-term market developments with reVIEW, the new concept of the VIEW PREMIUM SELECTION.
With a current booking level of almost 90% for the international fabric trade show MUNICH FABRIC START, KEYHOUSE, THE SOURCE and BLUEZONE, Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH is starting the new season for Autumn.Winter 24/25 on a strong footing. From the organisers’ point of view, the main reason for the high level of acceptance from internationally important fabric and trim exhibitors, renowned agencies, top European weavers and textile designers is the rebalancing of the July dates.
Previously, the VIEW PREMIUM SELECTION had taken place at the end of June/beginning of July with a selective choice of high-quality fabric and accessories collections. From 18 to 20 July 2023, the Munich-based trade show organiser will now successfully occupy the early date for the first time with the full power as one of Europe’s leading fabric trade shows: the international fabric trade show MUNICH FABRIC START (18 to 20 July), the innovation hub KEYHOUSE, the one-stop sourcing platform THE SOURCE and the international denim trade show BLUEZONE (18 and 19 July) will move ahead and at the same time increase their relevance in the international trade show scene.
For a large part of the visitors, the earlier date is closer to the collection rhythms and offers more time for further developments. Same goes for the BLUEZONE community and the denim business anyway – the approval for the July date could hardly be greater, which makes the organisers particularly happy on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of BLUEZONE as the first denim dedicated trade show.
Important exhibitors – including returnees – such as Ballesio, Cadica, Discovery Denim, East & Silk, Fauck, Lanificio Campore, Mapel, Naveena Denim, Pricoh’s, Sintopel, Sourcetextile, Studio 9, Taiwan Textile Federation and YKK as well as new entries like Esdigital, IBERIS Lda, Jeanius, Jersey Print Factory, Lucky Textile Group, Marjomotex, Neelams Itl, Splash by Lo, Victor Texteis or Wouters have already confirmed their participation along with many others.
“The strongest and most professional trade show for our segment clearly accommodates our development traits with its date. This date is much closer to our rhythms and, with its strong exhibitor portfolio, MFS has considerably more influence on the creation of our collections.
Especially for Bluezone – a unique, creative and inspiring space for us every time – the date is very convenient as it offers more time for washing developments and creative elaborations. With their ideas and implementations, the MFS & Bluezone team always has its finger on the pulse of time which enables us to incorporate additional inspirations into our work”
Michael Seiter, Head of Product Division Denim & Chino, HOLY FASHION GROUP
What’s new?
Due to the early date of MUNICH FABRIC START and BLUEZONE, the Munich trade show duo with KEYHOUSE and THE SOURCE formats will function even more strongly as an impulse generator and leading international event. The Munich location will also be strengthened by the relocation of the DMI Fashion Day from Düsseldorf to the Bavarian capital. In order to create maximum synergies in terms of travel times and travel costs, the first DMI FASHION DAY LIVE after the pandemic-related interruption will take place the day before the next MUNICH FABRIC START at the MOC.
The course will also be set anew in September: The date, which remains important for the industry, will in future be occupied by reVIEW – the new format of the VIEW PREMIUM SELECTION for follow-ups and highly topical, short-term trends as well as new market developments. On an area of around 2,500 square metres, the first reVIEW Autumn.Winter 24/25 will be held on 13 and 14 September 2023 on the Zenith grounds in Motorworld. With its gigantic dimensions and spectacular architecture, the listed location is one of the largest cantilevered historic steel halls in Europe.
“Trends are short-term and more fast-moving than ever. The presentation and ordering rhythms are constantly shifting. There is no one right time. With two highly relevant dates in July and September, we offer the market security and reliability on the one hand and full flexibility on the other”
Sebastian Klinder, Managing Director MUNICH FABRIC START Exhibitions GmbH
“The feedback from the textile industry as well as from international brands confirms that we have placed the right offer. Both events have great potential and complement each other perfectly. We support the market by offering the right platform at the right time to bring the relevant players together. And we do this without overlapping with other international trade show formats of the fashion business.”
Frank Junker, Creative Director der Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH
Strong encouragement from the fashion industry
The response is extremely positive, not only from exhibitors but also from international designers, product managers and buyers. In a tense market situation, MUNICH FABRIC START shows strength, forwardlookingness and reliability. MUNICH FABRIC START is the start of the new season and the most important show for early trend information.
“The MUNICH FABRIC START is of great importance for our work – to be more precise, it is indispensable!
The earlier the deadline, the first input for the new collection, the more precise and pointed the result.
The reVIEW also remains relevant at the new, later date and supports our dynamic design process.”
Katerina Grigoriadis, Head of Design DayDream, MAC Mode GmbH & Co KGaA
“For our team, the new season starts with the MFS. We always take our inspiration from the colours, the forum and the exhibitors and work out our concepts for the collections accordingly. The exchange with producers and exhibitors is also indispensable and both,
MFS and View are a great platform to do so.
We discuss new themes but also previous orders. Meeting everyone at the same time and place in person is a great added value for our cooperation. In the past, we did this in Paris at PV, however this has been completely replaced by MFS.”
Tülay Önder, Head of Product Design, HALLHUBER
“For us, Munich Fabric Start is the most important trade show for preliminary information, for aligning the collection and for matching materials. Next to Milano Unica, it is the most important sourcing show. We welcome the earlier date of Munich Fabric Start very much. Instead of View, it will now be the most important show for us to get information early. We are excited about the process and are looking forward to it.”
Gerhard Kränzle, CEO, HILTL Hosen-Manufaktur GmbH
“The Munich Fabric Start is always an important milestone in our collection development. We are particularly interested in the trend themes and colours, which we compare with our developments to confirm or adapt them accordingly.
We are very keen to attend lectures on relevant topics such as sustainability, CAD, fair labour standards and always look forward to meeting your stars like Li Edelkoort.
The earlier date suits us very well. As knitters we already start with the new colours mid-May so the new date actually fits better into our schedule. A visit to the VIEW is a must in any development process. Since it will now take place in September, we will definitely visit this small and fine.”
Melanie Geyer, Senior Designer Knitwear, MAERZ München
“In my point of view, the early date is a meaningful step. I am pleased about the early overview & choice of collections. I also welcome the fact that flat weave and denim suppliers are brought together at this time. The September event has to prove itself and depends on the new & further developments of the collections. We appreciate both events to date and will continue to use them in the future.”
Michael Willems, Produktmanager, ALBERTO GmbH & Co. KG
(18. – 20.07.2023)
(18. – 19.07.2023)
(13. & 14.09.2023)
(28. & 29.11.2023)
(23. – 25.01.2024)
(23. – 24.01.2024)
Discover more industry-changing innovations at our upcoming trade shows:
Im Atrium 3 präsentierten fast 30 ausgewählte Bekleidungshersteller ihre Produkt- und Serviceleistungen rund um die neuesten Sourcing Services und Apparel Manufacturing. Das Leistungsspektrum der international erfahrenen Fertigungsunternehmen umfasst neben Cut-Make-Trim (CMT) Lösungen auch High End Production. Des Weiteren werden Services wie A-Z Prozesslösungen inklusive Beschaffungsabläufe geboten – die perfekte Ergänzung der Wertschöpfungskette im vielfältigen Portfolio der MUNICH FABRIC START.
Als Teil der MUNICH FABRIC START ist THE SOURCE Studio eine One-Stop-Sourcing-Plattform und Bühne für Komplettanbieter mit End-to-End-Lösungen von PLV bis White-Label für Marken, Labels und den Einzelhandel. Vertreten sind Unternehmen aus einigen der wichtigsten Beschaffungsländer wie Italien, Portugal, Griechenland oder der Türkei, die einen businessrelevanten Mix an Services präsentieren.
LAGOON LTD bietet als Fashion Sourcing & Manufacturing Partner ein breites Segment von Knitwear, Light woven bis Outdoor Produkten an. Der Full-Service-Supplier bietet mit seinem neusten 3-D Visualisierungsprogramm den Kunden in Form eines virtuellen Portfolios die Möglichkeit, schon vor Mustererstellung ein konkretes Bild ihrer Design-Anfrage zu erstellen. Diese 3-D Visualisierung verkürzt Lieferzeiten, spart Kosten und hat einen hohen nachhaltigen Effekt. Zusammen mit dem Print-Projekt „Partner In Crime“ entwickelt Lagoon für seine Kunden exklusive Prints, die dann ebenfalls vorabauf verschiedenen Silhouetten visualisiert werden können.
OTS verfügt über ein umfangreiches Angebot an Kleidungsstücken, Stoffen, Veredelungen und Accessoires, das sie Designern und Produktverantwortlichen unserer Kunden anbieten. Das Angebot wird ständig aktualisiert und saisonal mit innovativen, aber dennoch kommerziellen Kleidungsstücken ergänzt. OTS konzentriert sich auf natürliche und recycelte Materialien und bietet die Möglichkeit, mit 100% natürlichen Farben zu färben.
Polopiqué ist eine der wenigen vollständigen vertikalen Textilindustrien weltweit, die die Produktion von der Spinnerei über das Weben/Stricken und die Veredelung bis hin zur Herstellung hochwertiger Kleidungsstücke kontrolliert. Sie bieten Strukturen wie Gewirke für Komfort, Elastizität und einen angenehmen Griff, flüssige Interlocks, extra leichte Rippen und hochwertige Trikots. Spezielle Ausrüstungen wie UV-Schutz, antibakteriell, knitterfrei, Wärmeregulierung und Hautpflege. Die SS24-Kollektion umfasst Stoffe und Knits, die unter ökologischen Gesichtspunkten entwickelt wurden, wobei recycelte und natürliche Fasern bevorzugt werden. Mischungen mit Fasern wie Bio-Baumwolle, recycelten und biologisch abbaubaren Fasern – Hanf, Leinen, Ananasfaser, Brennnessel, umweltfreundliche Viskose, Lyocell, Modal und Naia-Aceta.
Top Trends Lda stellt mit der neuen limitierten High Range/Luxury-Serie auf der Munich Fabric Start ein neues Produktkonzept vor, das sich durch einzigartige Muster, leuchtende Farben, Schnitte, hochwertige und nachhaltige Rohstoffe sowie eine detailgetreue Produktion mit hohen Qualitätsstandards auszeichnet. Die Linie strahlt einen Hauch Respektlosigkeit, Differenzierung, Freude und Energie aus, ohne die Essenz hoher Qualitätsstandards zu vernachlässigen. Top Trends Lda bietet Hosen, Denim, Kleider, Blusen, Jacken, T-Shirts, Jumpsuits, Shorts und vieles mehr. Die verwendeten Rohstoffe sind alle auf Qualität und Wohlbefinden ausgelegt, wobei die oberste Prämisse natürliche Rohstoffe wie Bio-Baumwolle, Tencel Lenzing, Viscose Ecovero und recycelte Produkte sind.
Eine Kombination aus lebhaften und energiegeladenen Mustern und Grafiken in Orange-, Blau- und leuchtenden Pastelltönen schaffen eine verspielte und sommerliche Modegeschichte von UNION 3 FASHION. Die Schönheit der Natur, kombiniert mit natürlichen Farbtönen, trägt auch zu einigen zeitlosen Damenmode-Modellen bei. Die Verwendung von plissierten Stoffen mit fließenden Bewegungen, Transparenz und unsere feinen Jacquards vervollständigen die Union 3 Fashion Kollektion für die kommende Saison.
Eindrücke von THE SOURCE 2023 - SPRING SUMMER 2024
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The colour palette of the 2026 summer collection invites you to dream.
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Denim is more than just fabric—it is a cultural phenomenon. It represents resilience, creativity, and individuality.
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The Hackenberg Textile Group has been your partner for tapes, waistbands, textiles and labels since 1873 and offers textile solutions for all industries.
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ColorwayXpress and eColorway are two powerful software solutions tailored to meet these needs by enhancing efficiency in creating colorways and accelerating creative processes.
12. January 2025
By combining the softness and flexibility of knit fabrics with the durability of woven denim, Comfort2 introduces a weave, with stretch in the warp and in the weft, that moves effortlessly with the body.
The AFTERLIFE Project by Oscar Wentz
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In an industry swamped by fast fashion and ever-changing trends, Oscar Wentz’s AFTERLIFE project has hit the reset button.
11. January 2025
Designed with an eye for elegance and originality, this exclusive collection invites designers and brands to explore fabrics that tell stories through texture, technique, and artistry.
Additionals Trends Spring.Summer 26 – Part 3
11. January 2025
Nostalgia also plays a central role in fashion, often reinterpreting historical styles to create a bridge between tradition and innovation. Fashion pieces are intended to embody elegance and a personal touch.
10. January 2025
DRY SUN collection enhances the raw beauty of natural fibers like cotton and linen, and Lyocell (a sustainable fiber), capturing their rustic look and earthy tones though minimal processing.
10. January 2025
Beatriz discovered wool's capacity as a universal language, transcending social, generational, and cultural barriers, and serving as a bridge that connects diverse lives and stories.
Almost 30 selected clothing manufacturers present their products and services around the latest sourcing services and apparel manufacturing at THE SOURCE
studio in Atrium 3.
The range of services of the internationally experienced manufacturing companies include cut-make-trim (CMT) solutions as well as high-end production. Furthermore, services such as A-Z process solutions including procurement processes are offered – a suitable addition to the diverse portfolio of MUNICH FABRIC START.
As part of the MUNICH FABRIC START, THE SOURCE studio is a one-stop sourcing platform and the stage to all-in-one providers to present turnkey, end-to-end solutions from PLV to white-label for brands, labels and retail. Companies from some of the most important manufacturing countries such as Italy, Portugal, Greece or Turkey will be on site to present a business-relevant mix of services.
Beta is a knitwear manufacturer with in-house facilities like printing, embroidery, pattern making, design, cutting, sampling. With additional garment dye & garment wash house, they offer different varieties to their customers and want them to have a full experience. Beta is taking place in sustainability movement and with different certificates in hand, they do provide different production processes.
Blok Moda is one of the leading apparel manufacturers and exporters, specialized in knitwear with more than 26 years of experience in the clothing industry. They provide flexible, time and cost-effective solutions with 3D technical drawings, designs, sewing and virtual fittings on human based avatars. They can easily create fabrics with all color options and place your samples in your personalized avatars based on your brand identity. Direct service and communication is provided at any stage from collection and sampling to follow-up of manufacturing preparation, quality control and shipment.
EAST is a Danish design driven private label production company. EAST was founded in 2009 and has experienced a successful growth over the last years. Today we work with the best brands all over Europe. Our Design department creates a collection with around 60-80 styles every week divided into 5 capsule collections. You can find our showrooms in Germany, Denmark and Spain. Explore our new creations at our booth.
The fully sustainable garment producer Kreateks was founded in 2005 and offers light woven and any kind of jersey garments for European Brands. They own certificates from GOTS, RCS, GRS, OCS and in Social Compliance part and are also certificated with both BSCI and SEDEX. Find shirts, blouses, tops, dresses, skirts, pants, jackets in light woven fabrics and mesh, lace, jacquard fabrics as well as garments with printed bases. Available materials are viscose, cotton, modal, lyocell, re-cycled polyester, wool fabrics, cupro, silk, Lenzing and ecovero.
14. January 2025
The colour palette of the 2026 summer collection invites you to dream.
Additionals Trends Spring.Summer 26 – Part 5
14. January 2025
Denim is more than just fabric—it is a cultural phenomenon. It represents resilience, creativity, and individuality.
Additionals Trends Spring.Summer 26 – Part 4
13. January 2025
The Hackenberg Textile Group has been your partner for tapes, waistbands, textiles and labels since 1873 and offers textile solutions for all industries.
13. January 2025
ColorwayXpress and eColorway are two powerful software solutions tailored to meet these needs by enhancing efficiency in creating colorways and accelerating creative processes.
12. January 2025
By combining the softness and flexibility of knit fabrics with the durability of woven denim, Comfort2 introduces a weave, with stretch in the warp and in the weft, that moves effortlessly with the body.
The AFTERLIFE Project by Oscar Wentz
12. January 2025
In an industry swamped by fast fashion and ever-changing trends, Oscar Wentz’s AFTERLIFE project has hit the reset button.
11. January 2025
Designed with an eye for elegance and originality, this exclusive collection invites designers and brands to explore fabrics that tell stories through texture, technique, and artistry.
Additionals Trends Spring.Summer 26 – Part 3
11. January 2025
Nostalgia also plays a central role in fashion, often reinterpreting historical styles to create a bridge between tradition and innovation. Fashion pieces are intended to embody elegance and a personal touch.
10. January 2025
DRY SUN collection enhances the raw beauty of natural fibers like cotton and linen, and Lyocell (a sustainable fiber), capturing their rustic look and earthy tones though minimal processing.
10. January 2025
Beatriz discovered wool's capacity as a universal language, transcending social, generational, and cultural barriers, and serving as a bridge that connects diverse lives and stories.
THE SOURCE - The new hall
As the new one-stop solution for integrated fashion sourcing, THE SOURCE offers flexible sourcing services and solutions for newly conceived value chains on around 2,500 m2 in the new Hall 8, opposite the MOC.
On 3 show days, 65 selected international manufacturing companies presented their offerings from cut-make-trim (CMT) to high-end production in the listed Lokhalle, which with its gigantic dimensions is one of the largest cantilevered historic steel halls in Europe.
A cluster of key sourcing countries such as Portugal, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Bosnia and Vietnam will create a business-relevant mix for risk diversification, the right product mix and for every genre. Discover THE SOURCE and visit the new Hall 8 directly opposite the MOC Munich!
“To expand as a trade fair during the Corona crisis and in challenging times for the fashion industry is anything but a matter of course and was definitely a gamble. We are all the more pleased that we know even before the fair: It was right and important”
Sebastian Klinder, Managing Director of Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH.
“End-to-end solutions from PLV to white label for brands, labels and retailers are strongly growing segment, which we offer with THE SOURCE an extremely high-quality environment in the long term and in close partnership with our exhibitor. In direct connection to MUNICH FABRIC START and BLUEZONE and in an architecturally outstanding location, with an extremely high-quality exhibition stand system and a selective choice of international exhibitors.”
Sebastian Klinder, Managing Director MUNICH FABRIC START Exhibitions GmbH
Discover further industry-disrupting innovations at our upcoming shows:
Polopiqué - Innovating Textile Production
With more than 80 years of experience in the textile industry, Polopiqué is considered to be a leader in the textile industry. The company has managed to distinguish itself by mastering all phases of the textile production process, from spinning, weaving and finalization, to garment and commercialization of high quality products.
MUNICH FABRIC START had the opportunity to have a one on one interview with Rosario Rodrigues on how the Polopiqué has managed to distinguish itself through its innovation.
Polopiqué is an exhibitor at MUNICH FABRIC START 2022 in the new Hall 8 – THE SOURCE.
Already booked out for weeks, THE SOURCE is the new European One Stop Solution for holistic fashion sourcing. 65 selected international manufacturing companies will present their offers from Cut-Make-Trim (CMT) to High End Production. A cluster of the most important sourcing countries such as Portugal, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Bosnia and Vietnam creates a business-relevant mix for risk diversification, independent of genre and price level. MUNICH FABRIC START has developed the new Hall 8 with around 2,500 square meters of additional space for this purpose. The recently restored Lokhalle, a listed building directly adjacent to the former MUNICH FABRIC START site, is the perfect location. With its gigantic dimensions and spectacular architecture, it is one of Europe’s largest cantilevered historic steel halls.
The result is a unique new venue for flexible sourcing services and rethought value chains.
How does Polopiqué distinguish itself in the textile industry?
Polopiqué is one of the few complete vertical textile industries worldwide, controlling production from spinning, weaving/knitting and finishing to making high-quality garments. At Polopiqué, we don’t just deliver the garment; we also provide the ideas, the solutions and the designs. We include creativity and design in everything we do.
Why has Polopiqué chosen Portugal for its production?
Polopiqué is a Portuguese family company with decades of tradition in the textile industry. In addition, Polopiqué was created and established in the most relevant geographical area in terms of textiles in Portugal. Therefore, we privilege this know-how and proximity, and we should consider the many benefits of local production in terms of sustainability, agility and quality guarantee.
How does Polopiqué optimize processes to improve the quality of manufactured products?
“Investing in Research and Development activities to constantly adopt new and innovative raw materials and production processes. It is also imperative to stay up to date regarding more agile and ecological modern technology and machinery.”
Polopiqué is a member of the Better Cotton initiative; what does that mean?
Better Cotton is the world’s leading sustainability initiative, presenting the mission to help cotton communities survive and thrive while protecting and restoring the environment. The better cotton initiative makes global cotton production better for producers, the environment, and the cotton sector’s future. It is about interacting with the whole supply chain to transform how cotton is sourced, ensure the improvement of the working conditions and a higher standard of living for farming communities, and spreading knowledge, support and resources for more sustainable practices in cotton production and other crops.
What are your thoughts on certification used in the textile industry?
We believe it is vital to convey trust and transparency to customers and consumers in their purchase acts to make informed choices. It is also relevant to involve them so that they feel an essential part in choosing brands with better practices throughout the chain of the production cycle.
Did you face challenges during the pandemic? And how did you deal with them?
Yes, of course, and at that stage, we invested in the production of personal protective equipment and products related to medicine and health, proving our ability to adapt to new situations and the flexibility of our team and production processes when developing new types of products.
What’s next for Polopique? What direction do you see your company taking in the coming years?
Continuing to surprise the market with innovations through constant R&D practices, taking advantage of new raw materials and production processes. Also reinforcing the weight and presence in new markets and business areas, namely in home textiles.
How important is it to be unique yet still have a recognizable factor in your work?
Very important. Polopiqué is flexible and proud to find solutions to most of our customer’s requests. Furthermore, by controlling all stages of the production process, we can guarantee higher quality standards and better agility.
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13. January 2025
ColorwayXpress and eColorway are two powerful software solutions tailored to meet these needs by enhancing efficiency in creating colorways and accelerating creative processes.
12. January 2025
By combining the softness and flexibility of knit fabrics with the durability of woven denim, Comfort2 introduces a weave, with stretch in the warp and in the weft, that moves effortlessly with the body.
The AFTERLIFE Project by Oscar Wentz
12. January 2025
In an industry swamped by fast fashion and ever-changing trends, Oscar Wentz’s AFTERLIFE project has hit the reset button.
11. January 2025
Designed with an eye for elegance and originality, this exclusive collection invites designers and brands to explore fabrics that tell stories through texture, technique, and artistry.
Additionals Trends Spring.Summer 26 – Part 3
11. January 2025
Nostalgia also plays a central role in fashion, often reinterpreting historical styles to create a bridge between tradition and innovation. Fashion pieces are intended to embody elegance and a personal touch.
10. January 2025
DRY SUN collection enhances the raw beauty of natural fibers like cotton and linen, and Lyocell (a sustainable fiber), capturing their rustic look and earthy tones though minimal processing.
10. January 2025
Beatriz discovered wool's capacity as a universal language, transcending social, generational, and cultural barriers, and serving as a bridge that connects diverse lives and stories.
9. January 2025
This season, cutting-edge concepts and technologies take center stage. Step into a new era of sustainable, stylish, and high-performance denim with Calik Denim’s latest collection.
9. January 2025
The Quiet Place is the textile representation of an inclusive embrace where experiences, sharing and new stylistic explorations coexist.
8. January 2025
Keeping the planet in our hearts. Fabrics that are created using natural fibres and regenerative farming practices are the focus of the collection this season.