Against the backdrop of decreasing infection numbers in Germany as well as across Europe and with a step- by-step ease of current measures in sight, the chances for VIEW Premium Selection from 13 – 14 July 2021 have been very good. The response from the industry has been enormous, the demand for the Preview Textile Show is high: VIEW is fully booked in the new location with more than 230 international textile and accessory manufacturers!
Despite this positive situation, the Bavarian government has extended the current ban on events beyond 14 July 2021. Unfortunately, this regulation has a direct impact on the trade fair planning for VIEW Premium Selection. Authorities will not grant the necessary permit for VIEW in mid-July. Therefore, the organisers have no other possibility than to cancel their next VIEW Premium Selection.

“This decision hits us and the entire industry very hard after almost a year without physical trade shows. However, it is irreversible. Despite a close exchange and repeated follow ups with the corresponding authorities, it was not possible to secure the official approval or exemption for VIEW. We have invested a lot of work, effort and good faith in the preparation of VIEW in order to meet the current regulations for a Covid-19 compliant event with solution-oriented measures. Our planning has been further confirmed by the current developments and declining infection numbers. Given this overall situation, the decision taken by the authorities is especially hard to accept.”
Sebastian Klinder, Managing Director Munich Fabric Start
The organisers had decided early on to move the VIEW Premium Selection to the spacious MOC Munich as part of the Covid-19 compliant implementation of a trade event. With a detailed satellite concept for the different areas and outdoor catering areas, the organisers were well prepared for the current requirements.
Now, in accordance with this decree from the Bavarian Ministry of State, the organisers are focusing all of their energy on the upcoming MUNICH FABRIC START from 31 August – 2 September 2021 as well as BLUEZONE from 31 August to 1 September 2021.
In short, this means: Green light for the realisation of the International Textile Trade Show MUNICH FABRIC START and the International Denim Trade Show BLUEZONE!

31/08 – 02/09/2021

31/08 – 01/09/2021
“We are now concentrating twice as hard on the further organisation of the upcoming MUNICH FABRIC START at the MOC Munich and BLUEZONE on the Zenith grounds. Here, we are doing everything we can to once again provide the industry with the usual portfolio and services that people expect from us. We are incredibly excited to be able to return to a bit of normality despite and with Covid-19: at least at our trade fairs in Munich.”
Frank Junker, Creative Director Munich Fabric Start
The organisers’ aim is to once again present the established international premium portfolio at the MOC for the following segments at MUNICH FABRIC START: Fabrics, Additionals, Bluezone, Keyhouse, Design Studios, Sourcing, ReSource and Sustainable Innovations. At BLUEZONE, trade visitors can also expect the proven spectrum of international denim weavers and manufacturers at the Zenith Area together with a newly staged innovation hub with Keyhouse.